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Oh just great. I turned and looked around as I heard the snapping of twigs. I took a deep breath and stared out into the darkness.

"Who are you?" A growl rose up and I snarled back. I could understand them as a human.

"The name's Alex dogs, I don't want any trouble." I said in my flat voice. I hated when wolves tried to act all tough when they found you on their territory. It was very annoying so of course I had to say something back. I smiled inwardly as they growled. There was at least six of them hiding in the darkness.

"Watch your mouth." A growl warned me and I scoffed. Bitch I'm not in the damn mood for this shit.

I rolled my eyes and face palmed.

"Rouge what are you doing here?" Someone growled as I brought my hand down. What the hell is their problem?

"My name's Alex not rouge. If you must know I'm just passing through. I'm just trying to get away from here. Now if you'll excuse me." I spat turning away from them and starting to walk.

"Stop right there!" A menacing snarl filled the air and I wrinkled my nose.

I turned to see a large black wolf with stunning yellow eyes stalking out of the dark. He stood tall and high and his muscles rippled under his fine coat. I automatically knew he was the alpha.

He gave me a warning growl as I met his eyes but I didn't flinch or cower. I never backed down. Well not all the time. He snarled and I saw his pack mates bow their heads in submission but I stood tall. I think I saw confusion and surprise flicker in his eyes before anger took over them. Something else was boiling in his gaze but I couldn't name it.

"You mad?" I asked with a smirk. It widened when the other wolves growled at me for disrespecting their alpha. I looked around. Yep there were six of them. Knew it; I mentally high-fived myself.

"Be quiet! Come on take her to the house now." The alpha snarled and soon I was surrounded by five wolves. The alpha got in front and they escorted me deeper into their territory.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't at all worried. My heart was pounding against my chest and I itched to run away but I couldn't because the wolves were flanking me.

Their house was huge. A gaped at the large beautiful mansion- well like bigger than a mansion. I don't know how to explain it really but it's a big fucking house. Like the size of a football stadium- okay maybe not that big but the thing is monstrous!

I shake my head softly as they pause outside of the house. I look at them hesitantly, actually kind of fearful, but I was great at hiding my emotions when I wanted to. I stood tall as the alpha trotted towards me. Even in wolf form his big head was level with mine. That's one thing I hated about alphas; their all so fucking big it's annoying as hell.

I'd never been in my wolf beside an alpha. To be honest I don't even know how big my wolf is compared to others now.

Lark you there? I asked myself.

Always. Came her quiet reply. I nodded.

What are we going to do? I asked softly at a loss.

I don't know... Future Moon Goddess. Lark said the last part in a teasing voice. It became a little joke to us. I'd found out what the Moon Goddess was a long time ago but I didn't want to be her. Nothing's happened to me really besides the fact I've been sold around. Luckily no ones suspected me of being her though. Why would they? The current Moon Goddess was alive and well. I was next in line apparently.

That gives us power. Lark said with pride. What power? I almost chocked when she said it.

We can control more than an alpha but as of now it's like we are an alpha just not one, do you get it? Lark's voice said softly. I tensed.

You're telling me we have a fucking alpha power? AND. YOU. NEVER. TOLD. ME?! What the fuck Lark! I screamed in my head.

I only found out earlier as you ran into them the Moon Goddess told me that's why we didn't back down. We are like another alpha but stronger in a way. Came Lark's apologetic response. I nodded slowly.

But we must keep it a secret for now Alex. We must for now. I nodded at what Lark said. I wasn't going to tell anyway. Why would I?

"...lex! Rouge we're talking to you!" I snapped out of my thoughts and growled. I looked around and saw that the wolves had shifted into their humans and we're all dressed.

Thank God because I didn't want to see any of their damn bare naked asses. I wrinkled my nose at the thought.

"Don't call me a rouge. You don't even know me." I snarled to all of them not sure which one said the comment.

A guy with blonde choppy hair snorted and I glared at him as he said, "Well you weren't listening and you don't tell us what to do you're on our territory." I looked into his bright blue eyes and looked him over. So this is the guy who said it? He was a good looking guy and I smirked feeling like messing with him.

"Whatever Ken, where's Barbie when you need her?" I said grinning at the offended look flooding over his features. His face turned red. He took a step toward me.

"Oh you're in for it." He growled. Okay I'll admit it I thought he was talking about it so I naturally went into a defensive posture and growled darkly. My heart beat strongly and I stared at him. At his hands making sure they didn't come near me. So many males had said those words to me... I admittedly lost control for a second.

"No male will ever touch me again! Back away now! Back away! If you touch me I'll rip your fucking arm off and shove it down your throat!" I screeched backing away from him. I looked around wildly and seeing a gap in the people around me I darted between them and sprinted back the way we'd came. Guess it was time to choose flight.

I couldn't shift and I was tired and soon someone caught up to me and grabbed my arm. I whirled around and pushed at the person with all my strength but another person grabbed my other arm. I tried struggling but soon gave up. The bastards had me.

A growl ripped from my lips as they started shuffling me back to the house and for the first time I realized a man standing in the group. As we approached closer I got a better look at him.

The man was built well. His body rippled with muscles and his jawline was chiseled and perfect. He had on a gray muscle shirt and I could see his drool worthy abs underneath. Stubble of a beard marked his face in an oddly cute way and his brown eyes watched me closely as I was stopped in front of him and the group that was now bigger than before. This man was like a model. His eyes searched me and my wolf whimpered.

Lark what was that? I asked softly avoiding the alpha's gaze. I could feel Lark fidget inside me.

I'm sorry I don't know why I did that. Lark's voice said and I dismissed it as she faded into my subconscious.

"How old are you?" A deep voice broke me out of my thoughts. I snapped my eyes upward to look at the alpha.

I had to think for a minute. Okay longer than a minute. I looked sort of embarrassed at the people around me. I shuffled my feet and finally said, "What is today?" Some snickers rose up and I growled darkly.

"Shut up you mutts." The alpha snapped and the snickering abruptly resigned.

"It's November the third." The alpha growled and I nodded doing the math in my head. It took me a little while but it was only because I'd moved around so much it's hard to keep track of my years. It's not like I've had a birthday since I was eleven. Not even much before that.

"I'm seventeen about to be eighteen December second." I answered with a satisfied smirk.

"Okay..." the alpha said, "follow me." He turned and walked into the house and I reluctantly followed. I stood tall and followed him into the house. Apparently there was no way getting out of this. But there was something about him.

I'll be updating again soon!

Her Wolf AlphaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora