"It Was Supposed To Be Me, Not Him"

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Y/N POV: Present Day At Hogwarts

We all walked into a place called the Great hall. I sat down near Hermione, Ron, and Harry. Harry told me a guy named Dumbledore was going to be talking as he sat next to me.

"Settle down...settle down.... Good evening everyone. Today I would like to announce that we have a new student. Y/n Manchester. We won't be doing a sorting for personal reasons, but I would like to give her this. Y/n, please come to the stage," Dumbledore called.

I froze. Ah jeez. I felt eyes all around me as I walked up to the stage. Dumbledore handed me a pin, in which had 4 colors, each color has an animal and in the middle a H was on it. A lion, snake, bird, and a badger were on it. It didn't look to bad. I walked down the stage and sat back down. Everyone was clapping. Maybe this school isn't bad after all?


I met so many people, and lots of them were great. However, the whole year really didn't go as planned. When I got to Hogwarts, I had just turned 14. I'm turning 15 in a few days. Harry kept having these weird dreams, and eventually they told me what was going on, fully. A guy named Voldemort was after him, and a war was going to happen. Harry was only young, why would someone want him this bad? To murder him? Harry is adorable. Harry and I got much closer than ever before. I really had my best friend by my side all of the time. Maybe even something more some day. Harry's new haircut actually made him look a lot better then 4th year. I was glad I got here, but with this whole war thing... I was a bit worried. This war was the one thing that made me wish I never came. Once the war began  so many people collapsed, I didn't know what to do. I didn't know magic. We were in front of the school, with what Harry called the death eaters and Voldemort.

"Y/n, get behind me," Harry said putting his arm in front of me.

"Harry...this man, is the one you were talking about?" I said.

He nodded not looking at me, but at Voldemort. This guy looked like a villain. Hermione and Ron stood in front of me as well. I got out of the way and stood beside them.

"Y/n please-"

"He doesn't want me Harry, he wants you. I'm not going to stand behind and let him do this," I said.

He shook his head and stood in front of me. He held me back. I eventually got in front of him.

"Hmm...young love... well if I can't get to him then...AVADA KEDAVRA!" The guy yelled.

Green light began flashing in front of me. I was confused until I felt wind clash the right side of my face. Something got in front of me. I held my arms out not knowing what was happening. I looked down, to see Harry. He stood in front of me, blocking whatever spell which I eventually knew...was the killing curse. I felt sick. I dropped to my knees and held Harry's body in my arms.

"NO!" I cried screaming.

Sadness flew over my body. This wasn't supposed to happen. I was supposed to die, not Harry. I was supposed to take the curse, not Harry. I looked down at Harry, and I could feel his life leave his body. My best friend died in my arms. It was supposed to be me, not him. His body stood firm, lifelessly.

Tears ran down my face. More and more by the minute. My heart left my body. I got hit with suffering. All I wanted to do was hold him.

"yes... YESS! HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" Voldemort yelled with excitement.

I looked up at Voldemort. I let go of Harry's body slowly. Anger took over. Wind began blowing, and everyone's faces went to me. Eyes watched as I stared at Voldemort. I concentrated all of my anger onto him. I made my hands into fists. Voldemort looked at me like I was crazy. I seen in my peripheral vision people charging at Death Eaters. My only attention was to Voldemort however. Voldemort began running to me, faster and faster by the second, but as he was running it looked as if he was dissolving. Pieces of himself began flying behind him. I only focused on him. All of my thoughts raced through my mind 100 miles per hour. I screamed. Something took over. I through out my hands and he fully disintegrated out of existence. I broke out of my trance and looked around at everyone. I didn't care what had just happened, nor was I going to worry about that at the moment. Some Hogwarts students were still standing, but no death eaters were in sight. I looked around for Ron and Hermione, but when I looked down their bodies were laying there. I fell to my knees once more. I cried. It was supposed to be my.  I lost them. I lost everyone.

  A/N: Hello! I wanted you
Guys to know that I am
Aware the war happened in Year
7 rather than 5. I just
Changed a few things for my story, that's
All :)

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