"What Have I Done?"

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Wait... they never told me where they were... ahh jeez... I began walking around the neighborhood. I didn't know what to do. I looked around hoping to find Ray and Henry. I'm sure the guys would have figured it all out by now right? So I'm sure they would head to the place where Ray was densitized. It was called... uhhh... Fact Tech? No... Gas tech? No.. ughh I can't remember what he said! I began walking faster as I came across this building... that's it! Glass tech! I walked into the factory and heard someone yelling. I jogged into the room and found Drex... densitizing himself with his eyes closed. I blurred my face and ran over to the machine as Drex was glowing purple and pink, and pulled the lever towards me. Footsteps came from behind.

"Y/n!" Henry yelled.

He raced over to me waist. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me to the other side of the room where Ray was standing. Drex's left hand turning into a dinosaur looking one. Henry put my down and guarded me. Ray's father came into the room.

"Okay I don't know who you people are-"

"Argh!!" Drex grunted turning around to Ray's father.

Ray's father ran away with fright. Henry and I looked over to a boy who looked like he just woke up. It was Ray's younger self. Ray took his younger self to the other room.

"Keep him occupied while I take him to safety" Ray said sternly as he was leaving the room.

"Ah I see you block ms. Blurry over there," Drex said. "She's not even going to show her face to the person who destroys her and her little boyfriend" Drex fakley whimpered.

His words brought flames through my body. I quickly waved my hand over my body for my suit to come on. I unblurred my face as my maroon uniform formed on my body.

"Okay first of all, we're friends!" Henry said as I walked next to him. "And second of all, I spanked your butt last time we fought. Remember that Drex!" Henry said looking at Drex up and down. "Or do I need to go online to show you the video," He said pulling out his phone.

"Mhmm okay.. uhh Kid.. we're in 1989. Internet was not invented," I said.

    An embarrassing glow rippled on his face and he placed his phone in his pocket.

   "Well I guess we can see who wears the pants in the relationship."

    "I know right it's- no. None of that. You're gonna leave little Ray alone," I spat channeling red energy in my hand.

    Drex laughed. Chuckled even.

    "If you think I'm going to listen to a girl, you must be-"

   I threw the lighting at Drex, causing him to throw his body against the wall. The lighting created a web like shape, causing Drex to be held in the middle of the wall with lighting around his torso. Keeping my hand out, I bended my fingers which caused the lighting to sink deeper and deeper into his skin. Stepping closer to him, focusing only on him, I could hear his heartbeat move at a slower pace. His face began to morph. Pale, cold skin. Dark blue eyes. Black clothing. I could almost hear his ribs start to break. It was a song to my ears. He killed my best friend. What's wrong with one less human right?

   "WAKE UP!" Henry yelled.

    I turned my head to find Henry looking at me with frightened eyes. I dropped my hand, hearing Drex gasp for air. The lighting web turned into vapor. It was Drex. Drex the non witch. The guy in the yellow uniform. The guy who didn't kill Harry. I wanted to drop to my knees. Henry wrapped his arms around my waist and brought me back towards a wall.

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