"Basketball Team"

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Over the week, Henry and I have been really close. Turns out, he did actually ask his parents about me moving in and they did say yes. Mainly because if they didn't Piper would tackle them or something like that, at least that's what Henry said. Anyways, I moved into their guest room. The night I moved in, it took a toll on Lily and James. When I got to the house, we sorta fought...

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE MOVING OUT?!" Lily yelled as I threw my stuff in my suitcases.

"I KNOW WHAT YOU GUYS DID. I GOT MY MEMORIES BACK!" I yelled at both of them, still with Henry by my side.

"Not cool by the way," Henry added.

"How?" James said.

"You're really asking me how?! Not even apologizing. Wow. And you wonder why I'm leaving," I said shoving my suitcase to the ground.

"No youn-" Lily began to say.

Just then, Henry zapped Lily and James and they both fell to the floor. I looked at Henry and he shrugged. He grabbed my suitcase with one arm and then my arm with the other. We both raced down the stairs and headed to Henry's house. Ever since then I've been living with Henry and have been having a blast. We also began coaching Pipers team more and there's finally a game tonight. As the game started, Henry and I cheered for our team.

"Come on Woodpeckers!" I yelled.

"Be maniacs on the floor! Boom!" Henry yelled striving his arm in a circle.

I laughed at him as I clapped for the woodpeckers. A girl from the other team made a basket, which put the others in the lead. This made Henry call a timeout.

"Time out time out," Henry grunted.

"Time out! Woodpeckers," Jasper said before blowing his whistle.

The team huddled up together.

"Okay what's wrong with you guys," Henry said.

I could tell he was stressed, so I let the statement slide.

"We're only down by three," Piper said out of breath.

"Well you'd be winning if you'd listen to what Y/n and I keep telling you!" Henry said putting his hands together.

"Hey," I said putting my hand on his shoulder trying to calm him down.

He looked at me like I was crazy. He took a deep breath.

"Now Jacob, you gotta protect the ball, all right?" Henry said.

"All right," Jacob replied.

I nodded, and decided to pitch in.

"And Hannah, when we have the ball, you can't just stand there. You gotta get open," I said.

"Got it," She said.

"Now Piper, you gotta quit being lazy on defense alright? Move your feet," Henry said.

Piper nodded. Jasper blew his whistle.

"Alright get out there and make us proud. Let's go!" Henry said clapping as they all began taking the floor.

Henry and I began clapping, until he stopped and looked at the audience.

"Hey! Woodpecker parents! I wanna see you get up and make some noise for your kids! Come on!" He yelled.

The woodpecker parents began to nod and slowly get up. They clapped as the woodpeckers took the floor.

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