"Mission Smiley"

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"Hold on the superhero that went missing almost two years ago? No I'm sorry you've got the wrong girl," I said.


Just then the older woman named Gwen was coming out of a circle like door.

"Heyy Rayyy," She said.

"Oh you little-"

"Wh- did you guys... are you not in love with me anymore?" She whimpered.

"Shut up Gwen," Ray said.

He paced over to her and Gwen began going into a direction of the elevator way.

"Stop! Otherwise I'll reveal you guy's secret identities!" Gwen said holding out her phone.

I looked over at Henry, and he looked back at me. Again, a voice that sounded like his began to talk in my mind but his mouth wasn't moving. Kick the phone out of her hand, it kept saying. I stared at Henry and he nodded. Was he insane? Trust me Henry mouthed. I sighed. She kept staring at Henry and Ray. I slowly crept beside her. I put my fists together and spun my leg, hitting her phone. The phone flew out out of her hand and into Schwozes.

"I GOT IT I GOT IT!" He yelled.

She looked over at Schwoz and back at me shocked. She paid so much attention to me she didn't even see that Ray put handcuffs on her. I looked over at them as they stood now under a tube that had came down when Ray tapped his belt buckle. Ray yelled Up the tube and I'm assuming was now taking her to jail.

"You did it Y/n!" Charlotte said racing over to me.

I smiled at her as I looked at everyone. Henry smiled big.

"Now you wanna tell me how you did that?" I said walking towards Henry.

"Did what?" Henry said.

"How you talked without moving your lips," I said.

"Y/n, I said all of those things in my head. You can read minds. You can do anything you put your mind too... literally," Henry said.


"Your mother. You told us all about it. One day when your mother was doing tests on you, she did something to your brain and now if you think of a superpower you can do it," Jasper said.

"And why would my supposed mother do tests on me," I said.

"Because you're indestructible," Henry said.

Indestructible? Wait wait wait... if what these guys are saying are true... would that mean if the curse had hit me I wouldn't have died? I would be alive? With Harry? Ron? Hermione? If I would have taken the hit no one would have gotten hurt?

"How do I know you're telling the truth," I gulped almost fainting.

"Well right now try thinking of a superpower. Tomorrow, Schwoz can make you an invention to get your memories back," Henry said.

"Yeah! wait wha-?" Schwoz said.

"Can't you do that Schwoz-" Henry gritted his teeth.

"Oh yeah I can," Schwoz said smiling at me.

"Okay, Y/n now think of a power. Or think of an action you'd do," Charlotte said.

"Umm... okay," I said.

I took a good look around the room. The room actually looked a lot cooler than I thought. There was a table in front of the circular couch, so I decided to think about moving it. I thought about it... practically concentrating on it.. and eventually it began lifting off the ground. Lifting mid way into the air. All sound had faded out. Every object wasn't visible. It was just me and the table. I then felt a shake which knocked me out of my trance. I heard a crash coming from the couch, which was the table clashing back to the ground.

"See!" Henry said excitedly.

Maybe they weren't crazy. It would make sense. In fact now that I think about it... anything before Hogwarts this year I can't exactly remember. It was all a blur. I looked down trying to process the information.

"Y/n... you know we are right," Henry said.

He placed his hand on my forearm. I looked up at him.

"Okay, but what am I going to do? Lily and James took me away for a reason, and I assume this is the exact one," I said.

"Well, you always have your father..." Jasper said.

"You know who he is?" I said.

They all looked behind me. Ray? Ray came from the back room. When I think about it... we do look alike... That would also explain the whole indestructible thing.

"I... I need a break," I said storming to the tubes.

I paced over to the tubes and tapped my belt buckle... but nothing happened.

"Would you like me to do it for you," Henry asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Okay," I sassed.

He walked up towards the tubes. He grabbed my waist and tapped his belt buckle. He shouted Up the tube and off we went. We got to Junk-N-Stuff and began walking out of the store.

"Y/n," He said.

I looked up at him as we walked towards the sidewalk.

"Back a few years ago you were always smiling. Happy. Today I haven't seen you smile once, which isn't like you," He said.

I shrugged looking down.

"You know you can talk to me," He said.

"A lot happened. And if what you are saying about me and these power things are true... then it just got a lot worse," I said.

Silence then came upon us. We walked side by side.

"Then it's my job to make you smile again," He said.

"What?" I said.

"I am going to make you smile. One way or another. That's the mission. Mission Smiley is a go," He said.

I'm not going to lie, his smile was very contagious. I slightly lifted the right side of my lip into a side-ish smile.

"No that doesn't count. Come on what can I do to make you smile again. I haven't seen your smile in years and i've missed it," He said.

I looked up at him. He really cared. And I wanted to smile, right then and there I did... but I couldn't. I sighed and looked back down at the ground.

"Here, come on," He said.

I looked up at him confused, but he grabbed my hand and ran over to a... gas station. I was confused, but he opened the door for me and I walked in. He led me over to the slushies. Confusion never left my face, but he began pouring 2 mountain dew slushies... which were my favorite.

"Okay, you're good at making guesses," I said as he handed me the drink.

He shook his head and he paid for the drinks. We walked out of the gas station and began walking.

"Thank you," I said.

"No problem," He said smiling sipping his slurpee.

I looked up at him, trying to smile, but all that showed on my face was a slight mouth grin. A void was still inside of me that I knew was Harry's, Ron, and Hermione's to fill. He smiled bigger at me, making me look down at my feet nervously. I was making a friend... and I'm glad it was him.

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