"Welcome to the Team"

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Oh no oh no oh no. This can't be happening, this can't be happening. I kept my face blurred as Kid danger began to freak out.

"No I'm not- I mean no he's not- I mean no we're not- Who's your brother? He's probably awesome but he's not me. You should leave," Kid danger stuttered walking over to Piper.

She was never supposed to find out. At least not right now anyway. She'll be in serious danger. No no this can't be happening.

"And you must be Henry's boss from Junk-N-Stuff," Piper said brushing across Kid danger and pointing at Captain Man.

"Oh you bet I am! You've got a smart sister Henry!" Captain man cheered sarcastically.

"Dude!" Henry exclaimed.

In that moment I read his mind. He should be absolutely freaking out right now but instead his acting... calm? Searching through his thoughts I found out what he was planning to do to Piper.

"I'm his boss. Make yourself at home while I just-"

"No! You aren't doing anything" I exclaimed vibrating my vocal cords so she wouldn't recognize my voice.

"F..fir..firebolt?! OMG! I'm your biggest fan! I love you so much!" Piper said running over to me.

She wrapped her arms around me and hugged me tight. I slightly smiled down at her.

"She's a child, Cap. No way. I won't let you-"

"Wait who else knows about this? Does Mom? Dad?" Piper asked Kid danger letting go of me.

Please don't bring me into this. Please don't bring me into this.

"No! Okay they don't and you can't tell them. You can't tell anyone about this because no one else knows," Kid danger said sternly.

"Hey henry, you real- AH!" Jasper yells coming into the room.

"Hey Henry! You need- PIPER?!" Charlotte yells throwing her bag out of fright.

   I putting my head into my hands.

"YOU SAID NO ONE ELSE KNOWS!" Piper yells at Kid danger.

"Okay okay yes they know but no one else does that you know Piper," Kid danger states.

"Oh so i'm not going to see Y/n walk through that door right now? DOES SHE KNOW?!"

"Don't bring her into this-"

"Wow so you tell Charlotte and Jasper but not Y/n? I see the way you two looked at each other. I actually can't be-"

"Don't be so hard on him Piper. I'm sure Y/n-"

"Shut up Jasper! Y/n is so in love with him. And he's in love with her. Madly. I never saw you look at Bianka and Chloe the way you look at Y/n. Y/n is my best friend, and when she disappeared it crushed both of us. But Henry you could barely get out of bed. When you realized there was a chance y/n was still alive the only thing you wanted to do was find her. You barely slept. You did all of that for her. It makes no sense on wh-"

"Piper move!" I shouted.

Piper looked at me confused. Captain man grabbed the memory wiper when we were talking and was just about to blast Piper with it. I used my telekinesis to move the wiper out of his hands. It flug across the room.

"Not cool!" Captain man raged.

"She'll keep the secret" I said still vibrating my vocal cords as Captain man went to grab the memory wiper again.

"I will... on one condition," Piper smirked.

"Nope nope you see what you did? Shes gonna have you guys do her dirty work. Blackmail you both," Captain man snickered.

"What's your condition?" Kid danger asked putting his hands on his hips.

"You have to tell Y/n you're kid danger. Or I will," She exclaimed.


I had to. I had to choice. She's going to find out one way or another. I stopped vibrating my vocal cords. My throat began to tighten. My head began to pound. A tingling sensation rushed through my body.

"You don't have to do this," Kid danger said stepping in front of me holding my arms.

By his facial expressions, he could tell what my next move was going to be.

"She's going to find out one way or another," I whispered looking into his eyes.

He looked back at me worried. He nodded and stepped beside me. I unblurred my face. A weight began to press against my chest. Kid danger placed his hand into mine. He interlocked his fingers with mine. I looked up at Piper's surprised face with her jaw dropped.


"Yeah.." I said.

"OH MY GOSH! MY BEST FRIEND IS FIREBOLT!" She said running over to me.

Kid danger let go of my hand as Piper wrapped her arms around me once more.

"You're... not mad?" I asked confused.

"Not at all. It all makes sense now anyways. I'm just glad you told me," She said not letting go.

Relief rushed through my veins. I hugged her back tighter than ever.


After a couple weeks of Piper knowing our secret, all of us grew closer together. It felt good not having to keep the secret from her anymore. Captain man even allowed her a job there. We all welcomed her to the team. However, Captain man never told me what he needed to tell me the day Piper found out, therefore I decided to go over to Junk-N-Stuff and try to see what he wanted. I grabbed my shoes and walked over to Junk-N-Stuff.

"Hey Ray," I said closing the door behind me.

"Hey kid, whats up?" Ray asked behind the counter of Junk-N-Stuff.

"Well I remember about a week or two ago where you wanted to talk to me about something but you never actually got the chance to tell me. So.. I was wondering what you wanted to say?" I asked leaning against the counter.

He looked at me confused, but then he remembered.

"I- Oh yes right.. uh.. y/n... I was sorta wondering if you wanted to.. come back to work?" He asked.

I sighed.

"Look I'll do anything. Seriously. We really do need you on every mission. And you could even get paid for it," Ray smiled.


I slightly thought about it. Will they listen? Or will they just brush me off?

"Are you going to be open minded to my ideas and think before you go off and do something?" I asked.

He nodded hopefully. I go with them on missions sometimes anyway. I guess a little more wont hurt.

"Fine," I said.

He jumped up with joy and came around the counter. He wrapped his arms around me and spun me. Joy was brought to my heart. I laughed at his excitement.

"Thank you thank you thank you so much!" Ray sang as he placed me down.

"Yeah yeah.." I laughed, "Well, I've got to go Dad. I love you,"

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