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I woke up in a hospital bed to see everyone there beside me, including Henry.

"Hey," Henry whispered.

Everyone began grouping around the hospital bed.

"Wh.. what happened?" I asked.

"Well, to keep it short. You saved me. When we were going down the blimp, you created a force field around us."

I look over at Schwoz and Ray confused.


"This is what we were trying to tell you before. You could only produce a force field when you love someone. Deeply. Truly," Schwoz remarked.

I gaze over at Henry to see him smiling, big. I couldn't help but feel joy.

"And you didn't just do that. You gave him that power," Charlotte smirked.

I widened my eyes.

"And... your clone sorta... well-"

"Your clone accidentally gave the kid hostages powers. That's why you got weak so fast up on the blimp. When she was fighting, she was blasted with the machine and since you were born half indestructible it doesn't work the same way on Ray as it does for you.. or your clone. It didn't take away her indestructibility... it took away her powers. And since you're connect... it took yours too. Most anyway. The kids got in the way trying to pull your clone away from the machines, but that only led them to get one of your powers... each. Since you used your energy power when you were on the blimp, you were able to hold unto that and still have it. You also had your force field power, and... this may sound clingy or weird... but your heart belongs to Henry. You're madly in love with him, which is why the force field didn't only protect you guys... the power clenched unto him as well. You kept your heart guarded from love, until you met Henry... at least that what the test shows...," Schwoz explained.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Henry grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers with mine. I couldn't help but wonder if he shared the same feelings.

"Oh trust me, it's not just you girl. Henry's in love with you too. Like madly. Ever since he met you," Charlotte pitched in almost knowing exactly what I was thinking.

We all laughed at her remark.


We all knew it was time to let Kid danger and Firebolt go, and since no one would have believed we were alive after the accident we decided to have a funeral for both Kid danger and Firebolt. Many people gave speeches... surprisingly even criminals... but the whole team stayed in the back.

"So... this is it huh," I asked slightly getting teary eyed.

Henry grabbed my hand and interlocked his fingers, just like how he did the first day I met him, running me to first period.

"It was fun... we had our laughs.. but it's time to move on," Charlotte said.

"Hey... we better get going," Piper remarked.

"You're coming to dystopia too?" I ask.

"Pfft no, I'm dropping these jerks and you, my big sister, off at the airport, then Schwoz is gonna helicopter me into Italy. Peace, and I cannot stress this enough... snitches," She said shaking her head down so her sunglasses could fall to her eyes while holding up peace signs.

Piper ran off into the car.

"Maybe I should have made her my sidekick."

"Nope. She would have never taken the job," We all remarked at Ray.

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