"I Did It"

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   The time portal shut behind me. I got up from my three-point position. It was only then when I realized I looked right into his eyes. His chocolate warm eyes. It was him. With my hair wiping in the rain, soaked, my heart grew with hope as I ran towards him.

   "Y/n?!" Henry questioned.

   "Shut up" I replied.


    I jumped into his arms. It was him. Henry. My Henry Hart. By his touch, his warmth, I could tell it was him. His doppelgängers may have his face, but they are nothing compare to him in my eyes. I placed my hands on his jawline and cut his statement off by smashing my lips against his. He didn't pull away. I needed to be in his arms again. He spun me as rain kept pouring against us, drenching our clothing. I wanted to stay in this moment forever. My heart raced 100 miles per hour. My stomach did backflips being in his arms. I never wanted to let go. However, once I did I looked at everyone around me. They were suprised, but happy. We all grouped hugged.

"Y/n what I did was so st-"

"Let's talk inside," I interrupted Ray looking up at the grey sky pouring down rain.


"Wow... you guys were really trying to find me?" I asked walking into the man-cave with a towel wrapped around me.

I looked around the room to find boards of my pictures, places I've been, and the board overall looked like it was from some detective show. Red, green, and yellow ribbon was all over the board. I placed my bag to the side of the elevator. Somehow, it wasn't wet. Like at all. I guess I can generate waterproof backpacks? Not even the stuff inside, which I'm thankful for, isn't wet.

"Yeah, you were gone for a while y/n.. we thought-"

"I wish I could tell you I knew how to get back right away. I had to travel to 4 multiverses just to figure out how to get back," I said.

"Okay okay enough about that. What happened to your face? Who hurt you?" Henry defensed.

"Let's just say, Ray's training and my intelligence came in handy quite a few times... got my butt kicked a couple times but that's beside the point. I didn't generate a back pack and a Polaroid till universe 3, so for 1 and 2 all I have is the stories to tell. But.." I said as I began thinking. "What if I try something... Schwoz.. do you have a DVD player ?"

He nodded confused. He went into the back and grabbed a projector. I then, sat down in the circular couch and began generating an empty disk. I closed my eyes, and felt the disk form in my right hand. Once the disk formed I held it in both hands. I began transferring replicas of my memories, of Adam and his universe, through my body and into my hands to come unto the disk. I did that with the other universe memories as well. I labeled the disks all with Henry's doppelgängers, except the last one which I wrote "Barry" on it.

"Wait but don't you want to remember all that happened?" Henry asked as I handed him the disks.

"Oh I do. The memories I've put into the disks are only replicas. I still remember everything and could explain it in full detail, but that would probably take months to do. So why not turn them into movies?" I said standing up from the couch.

   He nodded smirking.

   "I guess this is one birthday present," Charlotte remarked.

   I looked at her confused. I looked down at my watch. It was Henry's birthday.

   "OH GOSH! Happy birthday!" I squealed looking back at Henry.

   I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tight.

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