Chapter 51 | talk it over

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Tw- just general dark topics??? Not sure what to label this as. But Ls being all morbid in this chapter.

The clock was well and truly ticking now. Flights to Japan booked, blue ship case in full swing, you had about a week to get L out of his slump and able to work again. He had gotten better since he first fell into it, but he was still kind of... out of it. But at least he was getting out of bed now.

"What? You're leaving AGAIN!"

"It's only for a while and we will be back" you said.

Mello sighed, clearly not wanting you to leave again so quickly after LABB.

"How long will it take?" Matt asked.

"Not sure exactly, but if no complications come up maybe a month"

"Thats so loooonnggg"

These boys were very attached to you weren't they? Well, not surprising since you'd practically raised them.

"I'll bring you all something back from Japan. It'll be over before you know it. Plus, we may have new kids to bring back to wammys if the Japan foster care system doesn't want to take the boy... still don't know his name" you explained.

"When do you leave?" Near asked.

"Next week, so we'll still be here for a while. Don't stress it guys, we always come back safe and sound with presents for you and a story to tell about the case"

They didn't want to see you go, even if it was for a month. But they knew you had to. But they'd definitely be clinging to you all the way up until you leave next week thats for sure.

"How's L?" Mello asked.

"Better, he'd actually getting out of bed and doing things but is still all gloomy and not motivated enough to work. I better to talk to him actually" you replied.

"You're his girlfriend, if anyone can fix him it's you"

"Damn right, we all know who the boss of this relationship is... well I'll be back, gotta go talk to him"

You left the boys to continue their school work and headed back to your room to find L starring blankly at the computer screen. Clearly trying to work, but his brain is stubborn and won't let him find any motivation.

"Sweetheart" you said.

He turned to face you, looking a bit sad.

"I've sorted flights. Don't stress blue ship until it happens ok? Now talk to me"


"Whatever it is thats bothering you. I know that part of it is the sheer weight of suddenly knowing you're a child abuse victim... but what else is on your mind?"

He was silent for a moment, hesitant.

"L I'm your girlfriend, and we've known each other since we were five, it's ok" you added.

"I guess it's just all these past things are suddenly making sense. All these symptoms I didn't know were symptoms are connecting in my head and I feel like I don't even know who part of me is anymore..." he began.

You expected something like that, you had to admit once you found out about the abuse and put two and two together and connected he likely had PTSD, you noticed dots connecting too. His little shutdowns he had as a child were most likely panic attacks or flashbacks. His hyper vigilance with loud noises, why he always found it hard to work on cases involving abuse, his gloomy periods being depressive episodes and his insomnia being... well, insomnia.

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