Chapter 12 | sleepover

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You were finishing up dinner in the dining hall talking to A and B and whatnot.

As soon as you got back to your room, it was pjs on and lights out, not to sleep though, to stay up all night telling secrets. But something, someone was distracting you.

What was up with A?

He was just... starring into the void?

Everyone was finished eating, now you were all just talking, but not A, he seemed... off. He isn't usually like this. You had to speak up.


Your voice made the other two look at you, but A just kept starring at the table.

He seemed... distressed?


He snapped out of it and looked up to find everyone looking at him.

"Huh?" He said.

"Are you ok? You've been really off recently" you asked.

He was quiet for a moment, his expression seemed worried.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine. U-uh, excuse me..." he stammered, getting up and taking his plate with him.

He put it in the kitchen and ran off to his room.

Something wasn't right...

The three of you exchanged confused looked.

"I'll go talk to him. Goodnight guys" B said, getting up and taking his plate.

You turned to L.

"Is he ok? What do you think is up?"

"I can't tell... maybe we should just let B talk to him and ask him later?" L said.

"Probably... it's pretty late and he seems kind of fragile at the moment" you replied.

"Les just get back to our room"

You both got up and grabbed your plates, putting them in the kitchen.

You were a little worried about A, but you had your sleepover with L tonight, so you were quite exited. Sure you sleep in the same room all the time, but this was a proper sleepover, with games and stuff. You'd both decided it was beneficial to your little case, so you weren't going to waste it.

You excitedly pulled L by the handcuffs down the hall and into your room. You grabbed your pyjamas and went into the other room, closing the door the best you could with the handcuff chain in the way.

Putting on shirts was kind of a struggle with those handcuffs, but you did manage to get changed properly. You found L on the computer when you came back.

"Nope! We said no cases!" You said, turning the minor off.

"Right, I forgot. Well, what do you do on sleepovers?" L asked.

"Spill gossip, whack each other with pillows, stay up all night and talk about random things, you know, that kind of stuff"

"I'm not sure a pillow fight would work with handcuffs..."

You held up your cuffed hand and your eyes followed the chain down to L's cuffed hand.

"Yeah, I think that'd be an injury waiting to happen..."

"Let's not have to go to the ER at 3am"

You flopped down onto a beanbag next to L and sighed. What to do? L isn't really a gossiper... and you doubt he'd let you paint his nails... even if that blue would look really good on him, it bring out his eyes.

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