Chapter 23 | love and loss

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A/n: don't kill me. I didn't want to do this but it's in the canon storyline... also remember that Ryuzaki was Bs alias before it was L's.

After last nights chat about A, you all decided to head to bed and try and all talk to A in the morning before the extra successor classes started. So when morning came around you were up early.

"Come on L, we've gotta see A and B"

"What for? Oh- right the successor training"

You first stopped at B's room where you knocked on the door.


"B, get out here we've got successor stuff" you said.

You heard noises from behind the door and waited. It opened and revealed a very tied looking B.

"You look dead" you laughed.

"I was up all night, studying" he replied.

He joined you as you both wandered down the halls.

"So how'd getting sleep work out?" He asked.

"It didn't" L replied.

"Then again are you surprised?" You added.

"No not really"

You reached A's room. You knocked on the door and waited for a response.

"A! Get up we have training!"



Still nothing. He did like to sleep in, better go jump on his bed to wake him up.

"I'm coming in!"

You opened the door, oh how you wished you hadn't.

You let out a blood curdling scream upon what you saw.

How ironic... just last night you were talking about helping him...

It was too late.

A's body was hanging from the roof, lifeless and limp. A was dead.

L and B scrambled to the doorframe to see what was going on, both of them speechless upon the sight.

"No... no no no no no!" B began to panic.

Your scream had alerted Watari who was now on his way down the hall.

You felt heavy sobs shake your body and you dropped to the ground, hunched over, bawling your eyes out.

"A... no..."

"What's going on?" Watari said.

B moved and let him see.

No one could speak. No one could move.

A was gone, for good.

Kids around the orphanage had started to crowd up, trying to see what was going on.

"Step away, everyone to your rooms!" Watari said.

Roger was now rushing down the hall to see what was going on.

You, L and B couldn't move. You were just... frozen.

"Roger, call the police. You three, please go to your room. We'll handle this" Watari said.

L wrapped an arm around you and helped you up as you cried your eyes out. The three of you wandered down the halls, kids watching from their rooms trying to figure out what had happened to A.

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