Chapter 62 | through the festival

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You'd made it through the hiking trail successfully. You were so close to the lab, so close to solving all this.

"L my legs are tired..." Maki complained.

L picked her up, continuing to walk toward the summer festival that was going on. This was the perfect place to make sure you'd loose anyone following you. The big crowds, the oncoming night, anyone who was looking for you or following you could easily get lost in the crowds.

"Just hang on, we'll make it. Do you feel ok? No symptoms?" L asked.

"Just tired" Maki replied.

You didn't blame her, she was a sick kid under a lot of stress and trauma who'd been on the run for a few days. You carried boy, half asleep alongside L. He was younger, more tired and probably felt a bit confused since there was a language barrier. You were amazed how well behaved he was through all this.

"Let's just grab something to eat and make sure we're not being followed. Meet up with Suruga and Watari and get this over with" you sighed tiredly.

Heading into the festival, paper lanterns hung from trees and streetlights, stalls of food and other memorabilia lined the paths and there was a stage just off in the distance.

"There's a show here, big crowds that's good" you said.

"That's Misa Misas show, she's performing here and hoping a contest to win a signed teddy" Maki said.

"She is?" L perked up.

"Baby I'm sorry but we can't linger around to watch it"

L pouted, he wanted that teddy and to see Misa's show. But he knew you were right, his number one priority was getting these kids and his girlfriend to safety.

"I know..." he sighed.

"Anyone look suspicious?" You asked.

L looked around, not seeing anyone.

"No, let's stop here for a second and get some food"

Stopping off at a stall and hoping you wouldn't get recognised, you got some Taiyaki and sat on a nearby bench to eat. It was pretty damn good, as to be expected from a summer festival. As you were eating, your phone went off and as expected it was Watari.

"Hey, everything ok?" You asked when you answered it.

"We lost them. We'll drive past the festival in about an hour by the south entrance to get you. Make sure you're not spotted, they'll be looking for you" Watari explained.

"Got it, we'll be ready for you to grab us"

The quick conversation ended, just in case blue ship would try and hack into your phone lines.

"They'll be at the south entrance in an hour. They're not being followed anymore and we gotta watch our back" you explained.

"God this is the most intense case I've ever done. I didn't think I'd be doing so much physical activity..." L sighed.

"I must admit I wasn't expecting this either. Definitely not the two children part"

Maki yawned, tired and ready for one big nap. Boy sat in your lap half asleep after that taiyaki knocked him into a food coma.

"Speaking of. Boy still needs a proper name, we never ended up finding any record of him so he likely never even got a name" you said.

"Yeah, boy isn't exactly a proper name. I guess mine isn't either but still..." L replied.

"Also what will we do about Maki? We already have two M's at wammys. Guess she'll need another letter"

"Letter?" Maki questioned.

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