Chapter 54 | maki

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You were rather tired, half dozing off wile watching the nameless boy you'd just dubbed as 'boy' for the time being. He'd get a name when he ends up at wammys after this case.

It was late, but he was still awake. Endlessly writing numbers on some paper and adding them together. The fact a kid this young found math fun was baffling to you, but you knew he'd love wammys if that was the case. L looked like he was going to fall asleep too, sitting at his computer trying to gain access to any classified information on blue ship hoping to find some kind of clue or lead. The fact Kujo was working at the lab where the antidote was was worrying and he wanted more information on it.

But clearly the jet lag was getting to you both. You had to stay up though, to keep an eye on boy until he fell asleep.

The silence of the working night was broken by the sound of the buzzer doorbell going off. Who would be here this late?

"You get it. I'm too busy wondering how his child can solve calculus problems" you said.

L got up, answering the intercom.

"Yes?" He said.

"Is there a Watari here? This girl said she's looking for one and won't stop crying I the back of my taxi" the voice on the other end replied.

You and L stiffly perked up, looking at each other confused.

"One second" L replied.



Ah, you found the moments L called him dad cute. Watari walked in from the other room and seemed just as confused as you and L.

It was midnight, there's this taxi driver saying a crying girl knows Watari? What is going on?

He went to answer the door, and you and L waited in confusion and anticipation. Who was this girl? Boy seemed to be interested as well, not knowing what was going on due to the language barrier. To your surprise, the taxi driver wasn't lying and in walked a very upset girl in a school uniform carrying her bag and a teddy bear.

"Dad- who-" L began.

"This is Maki. Her father is the one working in the antidote, we know each other because of wammys connections" Watari replied.

"Her dad is Dr Nikaido?" You asked.

"Yes, but it turn out Kujo made her move under your noses and refusing to give up the antidote he injected himself with the virus, burnt the antidote and died... Maki saw everything"

It fell silent. She watched her own father get held hostage and die? If you remembered right from reading up on Dr. Nikaido, she lost her mother a while ago as well. This girl just watched her dad die, her friend end up a terrorist and became an orphan all in one night.

Understandably, she was a wreck. Crying, shaking and had that thousand yard stare of someone who'd seen a lot of shit. Looks like you had a potential new wammys resident... if she didn't have any extended family available she'd need to be taken into the orphanage.

You and L gave each other concerned looks, now you had TWO children on a dangerous case. One directly involved. When Kujo and blue ship figure out where Maki went, it's only a matter of time before they come to track you down.

"This is bad, ok... uh- we'll need an agent to help with all this, a getaway car, strobe bombs- they're going to track us down as long as maki is with us but she can't be left alone. Damnit-" L sighed, now having a whole new chunk of the case on his plate.

"I know, I'll be on this ASAP. But first, Maki-" Watari began.

Maki looked up, trying to wipe her tears.

"This is L and his girlfriend (y/n). That boy... doesn't exactly have a name at the moment so we're just calling him boy. This will all be stored out as long as L and (y/n) are working on it"

Maki looked over at you both, and the broken look in her eyes made something click in you. Much like when the boys were upset as kids and you and L's teen self had to take care of them, you knew she needed a hug.

"Hey, we'll fix this I promise..." you said.

Glancing over at L, which told him to say something, he spoke up.

"U-uh yeah. Don't worry, I've never failed a case and I don't intend to fail now" he said.

L was never super good with kids... but he's trying. You offered maki a hug, opening your arms for her. She took a second to process it, but accepted it in great need of one. Sobbing into your shoulder. You kicked L under the table, telling him to join. He did, having an 'oh! Right-' moment. Watching in slight confusion, boy seemed distressed by the situation he wasn't understanding. You opened an arm for him to join and into the group hug he came.

Now, having two crying children on your hands. This case just got a lot more complicated.

"I'll organise an agent immediately. Best get Suruga since he's already working on this" Watari said, leaving you and L to sort you the kids.

Damn he really was just throwing you into partnering situations as early as Near, Matt and Mello huh? Bet he expects you and L to get married and have kids one day.

L leaned into your ear, keeping his voice down.

"What the fuck do we do now?" He asked.

"Calm then down, prepare a getaway, find someone who can make an antidote and the chase is on" you replied.

"Well don't you wear the pants in this relationship? Having a solution to everything before me"

"And don't your forget it"

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