Chapter 22 | worrying

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You were lying awake, starring up at the roof in a bit of a dreamy daze. Just thinking about everything you could do with L, all the fun you'd have and the future you'd build together. It made you smile, loving the thought of travelling the world to work on cases with him.

But you were snapped out of your thoughts by a knock at the door.

"Come in"

You sat up to see B enter the room. What was he doing up so late?

"Hey, why are you up so late?" You asked.

"I have to tell you something..." he replied.

You gave him a confused look as he pulled out the chair at your desk, flopping into it.

"Ok? What is it?"

"It's... about A"

You knew something was wrong with A, there'd been something wrong for a while now.

"I'm scared he's going to do something stupid... I know that you've seen his change in behaviour and..."

He trailed off, his eyes moving to above your head. He did that with A all the time. You looked up, trying to see what he was looking at, but there was nothing there.

" matter how much I try and help him, he keeps saying he's ok when I know he's not... you and L have stable life spans he he doesn't..."

"Stable... what?"

"Never mind... it's just, I've tried to help him but he won't budge..."

B looked really worried. A was his best friend, they'd been together for pretty much their whole lives, it was obvious they cared very deeply for one another.

"Yeah... o get what you mean. I've noticed it too, he's more, I don't know... distant. He still talks to us and hangs out with us but it's like he's not really there. The real A we know has disappeared" you replied.

"Exactly. I think he knows that we know but he just won't accept the help... I'm scared somethings going to happen to him"

The conversation was interrupted by the door opening. The both of you looked over to see a very tired L standing in the doorway.

"The one day I try to get some sleep you guy decided to gossip, I can hear you guys. What's going on?" He asked.

You gestures for him to come sit next to you. He closed the door and sat at the end of your bed.

"It's about A, you don't know what's wrong with him do you?" B said.

"A? I mean I've noticed a change in behaviour, but o don't know what's wrong. I took a little off your guys workload as well in case it was stress but I haven't seen a change so maybe it's not"

"He's been out of it for months, but as soon as he found out you two started dating he became even more out of it. Like he'd been waiting for it and now he doesn't have anything to worry about"

"I noticed that too. He was all excited when he found out but when he came back from class he was all sad again" you said.

B sighed and leaned back in your chair.

"I wish I knew how to decode the numbers..." he mumbled.

"What?" L replied.

"Nothing, it's just... I wish I knew how to decode his... mind"

"Should we try get him a therapist?" You suggested.

"I tried that, he refused to go and he is old enough to deny treatment..." B said.

"We've all tried talking to him too... what have his teachers said?" L asked.

"They all seem to know he's different and they've talked to him after class about managing stress and all that but I don't think it did anything..."

You all tried to come up with another solution. There wasn't really anything else you could do. He really worried you all. You didn't even really know what the problem was, he just seemed off... sadder. You could talk to him all you liked but it just wouldn't do anything...

Why was that?

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