Chapter 61 | run for it

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"Goddamnit this is going to take all night..." you sighed reading the map you'd picked up from a tourist stop.

You'd made it past the checks apart from one final one at the top of the hill, and by now it was getting dark. There was a summer festival on at one of the shrines, and just past that was the road that lead to the lab. You were so close, almost there.

"We can probably make it there by tomorrow if we just keep going" You said.

"The last check is coming up, get back under the seat" L said.

Handing him the map and slipping back under the seat with boy, you approached the last stop. Surely, you'd made it this far, surely it'd work out. You felt the van come to a stop and heard the officer approach the vehicle. You held your breath.

"What's your business up here?" He said.

"Family holiday, for the festival" suruga replied.

"Can I see some ID"

Again he handed over the fake ID, but this time there was pause.

"Does your wife have some?"

What? This wasn't asked before... although part of you wanted to laugh at the fact L was still fooling everyone into thinking he was a girl, the rest of you was on edge. This wasn't part of the plan.

"N-no she doesn't since I'm driving and we're only here for a few days to see her family and the festival" suruga said.

You had a bad feeling about this. Every check was the same why was the last one different?

"Ma'am even a train pass with to name on it will do. You have nothing?" The officer said.

You didn't hear L speak, his voice would give it away. But he did shake his head. This was starting to look suspicious.

"Look were just here for a few days in personal matters we didn't think these checks would even be here" suruga said.

"I know but it's a precaution. Let me talk to the higher ups real quick"

Hearing the officer walk away, you and everyone else in the van were already panicking. Something was up, every check but this one was the same...

"What's with the extra rule?" Suruga whispered.

"Maybe the others were just being lazy?" Maki added.

"No this is blue ship we're talking about... maybe they're making the last check harder in hopes we'd have our guard down" L said.

No... it was all too convenient. They knew, they probably knew a while ago and were just leading you into a false sense of security so you'd hand over Maki willingly.

"They know" you said.

"They can't! We've passed every-" suruga began.

"No she's right, they've led us on..." Watari added.

Hearing the officer come back, you bit your tongue. The first half of stops you probably did trick successfully, but someone down the line saw through the disguises and told the others who lead you into this trap. How did you not see that coming?

"I'm going to have to ask you to come with me" the officer said.

"Sir we really have to go" suruga replied.

"Why don't you let your... wife talk?"

He knew. He so knew. Trying to get L to talk and reveal his masculinity was the nail in the coffin. He absolutely knew. You felt like your whole body was tense in fear, you held boy tightly in an almost motherly instinct.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now