Chapter 4 | Cold nights

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You wrote down all the new information on the successor program into the file. There was a lot to take note of, and it truely was a big job.

Successor program.

Gen 1: myself, A and B.

Gen 2: ???

L had picked three starter successors to kickstart the program. Although the next generation will be given the option to examine the kids before picking, this time it was a decision made in a short amount of time. Once the programme is up and running it will be open to all kids of whammy's. They can choose to train as a successor of L, or they continue studying as normal.

If a child is adopted in the time of successor training, they are permitted not to tell a single soul they were once a successor to L. They are not to give out any information about L, or whammys house.

It's a secret they take to the grave.

From the point of the beginning of training to the day they become a full fledged successor, they are to keep all information about the program secret to, they are no longer allowed to give out their real names to people, they can't solve a case under their true name. It must be an alias.

This wouldn't be a problem for you, you already solved cases under an alias, mostly out of fear a criminal would find you, partially because L had advised you too when you took on your first case.

Now that you were officially a successor to L, this made him your mentor. But you wouldn't let that come between your friendship.

"Hmm... there has to be a reason why he picked me... it can't just be because I've solved cases in the past, that's not how L works. He looks for experience, capability and there's usually something he finds interesting about the person..." you mumbled to yourself, closing the file and putting it away.

You flopped onto your bed and looked down toward the end of the bed. That picture of the mermaid you coloured in when you first met L was still hanging on your wall. You don't think you'd ever take it down unless you moved and wanted to take it with you. Although you found it hard to believe you'd ever move out of whammy's, and if you did it wouldn't be for a long while.

Suddenly you heard a knock on the door.

"Come in"

The door opened and there was the man himself.


"Hey, what's up?" You asked.

"I know it's almost midnight but I just finished a case and now I'm quite bored. Want to go for a walk?" He asked.


You got up and grabbed your coat and scarf.

You pulled them on and followed L outside.

The orphanage was on a big block of land in order to have room for all the kids. Right next to it was a park, so whenever you went on walks like these, you usually jumped the fence and went to the park.

And that's exactly what you did.

After jumping the fence, you both walked toward the park, going to sit on the swings.

"So who killed them?" You asked.

"The killer that also killed the shop owner three weeks ago" L replied.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now