Chapter 72 | the final entry

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A/n: ahhhh the book is almost over,,, only took me like three years lol. I got so caught up with other books this one had a bit of a hiatus but it's almost done, one last chapter after this left.

Well, case file L Lawliet. It's been a few years huh?

The last time I wrote was... just after LABB. Since then we've had another major case in Japan. Blue ship.

It's all over now, and the whole organisation was shut down and convicted. We rescued two kids from that case and they're here at wammys.

Things were going back to normal. Well, as normal as life was for me and L. The new kids settled into wammys nicely, they'd started therapy for the traumatic case they went through, they started school and made friends with the boys. And Linda of course, she is part of the friend circle too.

Preecha, the youngest one from Thailand is learning English rapidly. He's crazy smart for his age, but that is to be expected from a wammys kid. Maki, the older girl from Japan is doing well, she is a strong girl even after witnessing what she did back at her dads lab.

The kids mental scars are being treated, and they are doing well. Maki does have a few actual scars from the rashes when she was infected, but L handled that problem. He has his fair share of scars, and Maki fells a lot better about hers knowing L has them too.

Matt, Mello and Maki have become like three M named musketeers over the last few weeks. They're all energetic kids with boundless curiosity and a habit of getting into a bit of trouble. Near and Preecha are like brothers almost as soon as they met, sharing the interest in toys and collecting things. Linda often joins them when class is out to come make toys with them too. And all together the kids get along well. Of course Near and Mello still had a habit of getting into fights now and then, but at this point Matt is an expert at defusing them.

Maki is still keen on becoming a successor when she's old enough, and L and I aren't going to stop her if that's what she really wants. The successor program runs much better than it did before thats for sure.

Other than that, B called us after the case from prison. He seems to be less... unhinged? I don't know exactly how to describe it or what exactly he's going through over in LA prison. But he was worried about the safety of the kids which is why he called. I assured him they're fine and we chatted a bit about his case and how we felt about it given our past together. He also talked to L and whether strange relationship they had seems to be somewhat settled.

L also met his birth dad, finally. Over in Japan after the case we managed to find him and they talked. Seems we finally know exactly what happened that lead up to him landing in wammys. After that, and after Bs call he seems to have... shifted a bit? Like he's finally closed that chapter of his life, found closure. He isn't as gloomy anymore which makes me glad. I don't doubt he'll have some bad days, that's just what trauma does to a person. Most of the people at wammys will end up that way. But he's definitely happier.

And in a way, I feel some kind of closure too. I always knew what happened to me to end up at wammys so I never had the burden on now knowing. And once L and I found our feelings for each other and we started dating I guess I kind of took some of that burden he has on his back onto mine to lighten the load for him. Don't get me wrong I'm glad I did, that way it was much easier for him to cope. But now I'm glad neither of us have to carry that burden on not knowing around.

We're in our 20s now, real adults, we have jobs and lives. And it's finally started feeling like we're real adults.

And... we talked about marriage too.

We're ready for that, ready to be married. I mean, we practically already have kids having helped raised the boys and now Maki and Preecha. We've been together since we were five, we've dated since we were teenagers... I think it's about time, and so does he.

Now that we've closed a chapter of our lives and we're going forward into a new one, we may as well start it with a marriage. I'm going to propose. Me doing it started as kind of a joke but... yeah it's not a joke anymore I'm absolutely doing it.

I just need a ring, I'll get that done next.

But... with the end of this chapter of our lives going into a new one comes the end of this case. That's right, I'm officially closing case file L Lawliet. I've solved it.

5 year old me stared this case because I wanted to know why L was so interesting. 5 year old me didn't know it was because I was madly in love with him.

So the answer to this case? He's interesting because I love him. Everything about him. Everything to do with him. And finally with the closing of this case, I'm going to give him this file, let him laugh alongside me at how dumb we were for not realising our feelings sooner. World's greatest detectives and it took us THAT long to figure it out huh?

Well, that's it. That's my final entry. Maybe I'll slip in a few wedding photos later on, but other than that I now close this case.

I've solved it, case file L Lawliet is now officially closed.

Signing off the final page, you went back through some of the old pages. The further and further back you got into the file, the messier your handwriting got as you'd written them when you were a kid. This case file was a good time capsule, a documentation of your whole relationship. It was kind of cute really, childhood friends to lovers all written out and forever frozen in time in this file.

You closed it, looking at the masking tape on the cover of the binder with 'case file L Lawliet, by (y/n) (l/n)' written in colourful marker and messy child handwriting on the cover. Along with the drawings of lollies all over it you did way back in the day.

You'd decided for sure, once you get that ring and propose. You'll also give L this file, let him know about the big secret that was this case on him 5 year old you started. No more hiding it under the floorboards but putting it up on a shelf next to the framed photos of you both.

"God, I bet he won't be expecting almost 20 years worth of documentation on our relationship" you laughed to yourself.

Leaving the file on your desk in your childhood room along with all your other childhood things, you got up and grabbed your bag and phone. You had something to do while the kids were in class and L was already jumping into a new, smaller than blue ship case.

"Alright, let's find this ring"

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