Chapter 32 | adulthood

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You could hardly believe you were an adult now. It felt like only yesterday you'd met L as a shy 5 year old, and now you're 18, he's close behind too almost 18 himself. You never thought as a child you'd be one of the best detectives in the world, taking care of three adorable orphan boys and in a relationship with your childhood sweetheart. You'd come so far and it was almost surreal, you half expected to wake up and be 5 again.

But it was all real. And this world had been throwing challenges at you like crazy.

The main question on your mind was, what's next?

You're a detective, you have a stable job.
You have a relationship.
You're acting as a caretaker for three boys.
Two of your friends have left your life.
What could possibly be next?

"(Y/n)? You coming?"

You snapped out of your daze, looking up to see L in the hallway.

"Huh? OH yeah-"

You slipped your shoes on walked over to him, making your way down the halls to the front door to go and get some lunch from the bakery and eat at the park. You passed the boys classroom, happy to see them engaged in their learning. You felt L intertwine his fingers with yours, gently holding your hand.

"You seem out of it" he stated.

"I guess I'm just thinking... I can't actually believe we're adults now. It feels surreal" you replied.

"It does kind of... I know 18 is considered an adult but I still feel like a teenager"

"Me too"

It was silent for a moment as you walked, kicking a pinecone on the footpath as you went.

"What next?"


"What next? After we've helped the boys grow up a little and we leave to take cases, what are we gonna do?" You asked.

"Do cases? That's why we're leaving right?" L replied.

"Yeah but will we move around? Buy a house? Live together?"

"I mean, yeah. We'd probably move around with each case. Although I get the feeling Watari doesn't trust me living alone he'd probably end up our neighbour"

You laughed a little, it was true. Watari was like L's dad at this point, and even if L was almost an adult, he still relied on his foster father.

"Yeah that's probably true. But hey, we can still go on all those road trips and make photo albums with each place we go to for cases like we said, it'll be fun"

L smiled, looking down at his feet. He loved hearing you so happy. You were exited for the future you had with him and it made him feel all warm and fuzzy inside. You reached the bakery, getting some sticky buns and munching on them as you turned and walked back to the park. You sat on the swings as usual, gently rocking back and fourth, letting the breeze blow through your hair. You licked the icing off your fingers, using the napkin they gave you to clean everything up when you finished.

"I think I'll miss the bakery the most when we leave. No place will ever have sticky buns that good" you giggled.

"Yeah... I don't think anything can match up to the bakery..."

You looked over at L, who seemed a little spaced out.

"You ok?" You asked.

"Yeah, you just got me thinking. I mean... we're adults now, we can do whatever we want. We've got our whole lives ahead of us and it's so weird to think that one day we'll be living on our own, doing our own things..."

"I know, it's crazy"

He was silent for a moment, like he was think g hard about something. You tilted your head in confusion at him and he hesitantly opened his mouth to speak.

"Do you... do you think we'd ever get married?" He asked.

Such a statement caught you off guard. He loved you enough to be thinking about this at such a young age?

"I-I hope so, when we're older" you stammered I'm surprise.

"S-Sorry was that too much?"

"No, no! It's just... I didn't expect that. When we're older and have our own life and house and money and everything... I'd love to marry you"

You saw a shy smile grow on his lips, his cheeks going red as he looked down at his feet kicking at the sand.

"Really?" He asked.

"We've has crushes on each others or more than half of our lives. Sure at first we didn't even realise our own emotions, but it's been so long. Anyone that's in love for that long will we worth it" you replied.

His smile grew brighter, he leaned in to kiss you and you gladly accepted. You pressed your lips to his and enjoyed the moment.

He broke the kiss, wrapping his around around your shoulders.

"I'm sure you'd make a beautiful bride" he smiled.

"Shut up- you'd look better then me in a fancy suit and tie and waistcoat" you replied, blushing at his words.

"Nonsense, you'd be the gorgeous one"

You suddenly heard footsteps run up to you and you turned to see the boys had finished class for lunch break and had run out to come see you.

"Who's gorgeous?" Matt asked.

L gave you a sneaky smirk.

"Watch this-"

He turned to the boys, who were already making sand castles.

"Hey, would (y/n) look good in a wedding dress?" He asked.


"She could have a fancy train at the back and look like a magic princess!" Mello added.

"And a veil! That would make her look like a queen!" Near jumped in.

L turned back to you with that 'I told you' smirk on his face.


You playfully shoved him and laughed.

"Fine you win" you giggled.

You couldn't wait to spend the rest of your life with L, your future was bound to be full of candy, cases, and sappy romance movie moments.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now