Chapter 30 | re-evaluation

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So much has happened in the past few months, As death, B going missing and three new kids coming to the orphanage. You barely had time to think, there was just so much going on. But finally the new boys were settling into classes, they were becoming more independent and adventurous and starting to act like kids again. Of course they'd gotten pretty attached to you, whenever they had a nightmare they'd come to you or L. They'd call for you and L when they needed help with something and they'd come to you to play games.

At least once a week one of them would end up crawling into your bed after a nightmare, at least one of them would come to you with a graze on their knee from playing outside, at least one of them would ask you for help with their maths work.

L had always maintained he wasn't the biggest fan of kids, and it showed. When he first came to the orphanage he got in trouble a lot for fighting the other kids, he really didn't get along well with young children. But these kids were different, they were growing on him and you could tell, he wouldn't admit it but you could see the smile on his face when they asked about being a detective.

But finally a day had come where you could just relax, the kids were out on a field trip to the museum as they were learning about dinosaurs. L had wrapped up a recent case, you didn't have any kidnapping to unravel and it was overall a very chill day.

A day you could actually be a couple. It's been more than a month and you'd barely been able to give each other attention because of all the crazy stuff that's been going on. But things were finally winding down.

L was still pretty awkward with relationships. He could accept the kisses but got shy to give a kiss unless it was on the hand or cheek. He would go all shy when you tried to cuddle up to him and overall he still didn't really know how to verbally express his love for you.

He felt that 'I love you' was too simple, like it wasn't enough of a phrase. So when he realised he needed to be more involved and loving, he turned to other phrases. He was on the hunt for something to express how he truly felt. You were the one that's been by his side for over a decade, this was more than just a schoolgirl crush.

Meanwhile you'd decided to spend this chill day off together, when you started dating you told L to be prepared for lots of physical affection, and you weren't kidding when you said that. You were back out at you guessed it- the swings. The place you'd been going for years now to talk. But now that you were closer, and dating it was less awkward to be all touchy feel-y with each other.

"This is a bad idea (y/n)" L said.

"It'll be fine! Now stay still" you replied.

You grabbed onto the chains of the swings and squished your legs through the gap between L's arms holding onto the chains and the swing. So you were sitting in his lap facing him.

"You're gonna fall off" he said.

"Not if I hold on" you replied.

You kicked your legs to start the swing up, and before you knew it you were successfully swinging back and fourth on the same swing. Of course, this meant L had to sit normally, but he can sacrifice some deductive abilities for a while. You weren't worried about breaking the swing either, the chains where metal, no way they'd break.

"So, you exited for New Years?" You asked.

"Kind of, I wanna put this whole year behind us, it's been hectic. Expect for the whole relationship thing, that can stay" he replied.

"Man... I can't believe we're almost 18. It feels like yesterday we were colouring in pictures of puppies on my bedroom floor"

"I know, it's scary. But hey we'll be legal, that means we can travel on cases more often"

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now