Chapter 2 | case file: L Lawiet

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L had been at the orphanage for about a week. And you'd watched him and talked with him the whole time. Something about him made you so curious, but you didn't know what it was.

But you were a determined five year old, so you decided to open your first case.

It was midnight, you should be asleep, but you didn't care. The orphanage was quiet, as you pulled an empty binder from your desk drawers. You turned on a lamp and sat at your desk, grabbing some paper and a pencil. You began to write your goal, something class had taught you.

Goal of the case: analyse L Lawliet and figure out why he makes me curious.

Being a 5 year old, even if your mind was better than the average 5 year old. You decided to underline it in blue crayon before slipping the first page into the binder.

You grabbed another piece of paper and wrote the title: about L.

Name: L Lawliet

Birthdate: 31st October 1979

Appearance: messy black hair, short, but will grow tall as soon as puberty hits. Dark eye bags and noticeable slouch.

Additional information: bought to wammys house in September of 1984. He sits in a curled up and crouched position, claiming at makes him smarter. L has quickly become addicted to candy after Mr Wammy introduced him to it.

You left a space for more information you may collect, underlining 'additional information' with a red crayon.

"L is my best friend but why is he so interesting?" You asked yourself.

You drew little lollipops on the side of the page as you thought.

"I have to find out more about him... a real detective knows everything about their suspect" you told yourself.

You closed the binder for the time being, ripping some masking tape from a roll on your desk and sticking on the cover. You grabbed a marker and wrote: case file: L Lawliet on it.

"If I want to get closer to him I have to go with him through everything..." you told yourself.

You, a determined five year old was already starting her own personal case.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door, you quickly hid the binder in the drawer and walked over to the door, opening it.

Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear.

"L? It's midnight! If Mr. Wammy sees you're up you'll be in big trouble!" You said, pulling him into your room and closing the door.

"I couldn't sleep, and I heard you walking around so I thought I'd come see you..." he said.

"You can't sleep? But you've been up all night"

"Mr Wammy said I have insomnia"

New information, you'll have to remember that.

"Insomnia? Isn't that the condition that means you can't sleep very well?" You said.

"Yes, but I'm bored so can we play or something?"

He put his thumb up to his mouth.

You giggled as he did that.


"You always do that, put your fingers up to your mouth"

"Huh, I guess I do"

More information, it seems that when you get into the investigation mindset you can analyse things well... that could be very useful.

"(Y/n), why are you staring at me?" He asked.

"I am? Sorry... I tend to do that to people" you replied.

"You seem to analyse people a lot"

"I guess it's a habit, it will be helpful when we're beating the bad guys though!"

He smiled and nodded, the mention of being detectives making him exited.

"Let's play cluedo! That's a detective game!" You said.

"Yeah! We can practice being detectives!" He smiled.

You pulled the board game off the shelf and put it on the floor, getting the board out and setting it up. L grabbed the rule book and began the read the rules. You watched him as he read, he was a very interesting young boy, you were definitely going to have to stay close to him to figure out why he makes you so intrigued with him.

Case File: L Lawliet • L Lawliet x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora