Chapter twenty three.

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Hello guys,how have you been? How is the weekend? I am so sorry for not updating earlier, I resumed school and that has been one hell of a work,I have missed writing so much. So here you are....

     Inaya's P.O.V

     Today,marks my seventh month of pregnancy, I am heavier and I finally had the courage to tell my mom about it last month, she was ecstatic, she kept praying for me and so did my Abba,although they seemed  happy,I couldn't help but feel something was wrong, I asked if they were OK but they didn't say anything to me.

I have missed my parents but most especially my husband, I decided to forgive him and just move on,my baby needs his/her daddy and I need my husband so I decided to talk it out,beside holding grudges just brings me down even more,I can't have that energy around my baby.

I have noticed that he comes to see us at night before going to bed,I was having one of those hicks and bracs so I laid quiet,waiting for sleep to take me to lala land when I heard him come in,kissed my belly and asked if the baby was good today and as soon as it heard the voice of it's dad,it kicked but I didn't react,I just laid there and waited for him to leave. I have decided to talk to him when he comes in again.

I bathed and dressed in a very beautiful silk nighty , spritz myself with a dose of perfume that made me smell like heaven and vanilla ice cream and laid there, waiting for my husband,I am so tired of this fight I just want to get it over and done with and besides my baby needs the love of both parents at this point.

Thirty minutes later he came home and came in then I stood up, he looked exhausted as if he was going to drop any second now,I have never seen him this broken before and it breaks my heart, but he brought it upon himself even though I felt bad for him but I couldn't help but feel a surge of anger towards him but that was going to be left behind because I have moved on and decided to forgive my husband, which at this moment I think and have a strong feeling that it was the best decision for both of us

   "Inaya,please! Isn't this punishment enough? I have suffered enough, I know I made a huge mistake and you might never find it in you to forgive me but please, please forgive me,I am tired,I am tired of staying away from you and my baby,I miss you both,I want to hold you and kiss you,help you when you need me to,make you laugh and buy you all that you have been craving and massage you when you are tired, I just want a chance with you and my baby, give me a chance to make you happy, give me a chance to be the husband that I wasn't to you before I have realized my mistakes and I'm willing to make it up to you for as long as I shall live, this distance is a excruciating,it hurts so bad you have no idea,I can't even think straight knowing that every single day my wife is so close to me yet so far away from me.

When he was done,from where I stood I saw the tears in his eyes and I felt bad for causing them,I walked to him,held his hand and brought him to the bed, making him sit,I sighed.

   "You know, for such a handsome man,you're a fool,right? " I asked and he smiled and nodded.

   "I wasn't going to leave the room, I was going to come to you,my husband, I was going to hold you and tell you how much I have missed you and how much I was tired of the space between us,I wanted to hold you and tell you I have forgiven you because I make mistakes too,tell you that you're not perfect but so I'm I,tell you that we would make lots of mistakes but we will learn and move on and to tell you how much the space we had made a Dent in my already dented mental health,so please no more space even though you haven't said the words I want to hear." I smiled at him.

"Inaya,I am so sorry I hurt you,I am sorry for making you cry,I want to make you the happiest woman on this earth,please let me try.

I smiled and hugged him, he stayed there and then I felt it... I felt the tears of my husband on my shoulder, he was really crying!

   "Babe,what's wrong? Talk to me." I asked and tried raising him up but he refused.

"I am so sorry habibty,I am sorry I hurt you and I just feel so bad and terrible for all my actions, I never want to see you hurt. I love you  Inaya,more than I love anything in this world,I love you so much more than I love myself."

    I never knew he felt so bad,I held him so close to me and shushed him, while holding him I prayed to Allah to please keep us safe,together and happy,because I loved my husband even when I was angry at him,I still love him and I will keep loving him till my very last breath in shaa Allah.

    "Hey,I'm not mad at you anymore, I promise,now....go and take your bath and I will try and make something for you to eat,okay? " he nodded but was hesitant and so I got up hugged him and gave him a kiss on the lip.

   "I am not mad at you baby. What will you like to eat?".
He gave me a crookish smile and then he bent to my level and whispered it to my ear and I am sure I would have turned red if I was fair in complexion.

   I smiled and left the room to make him sandwich and a cup of green tea to hell him relax.

   Ya rabbi,I pray this is the start of happiness for me and my family,please guide and protect us,make our love grow strong and help us serve you in the best of way,keep us on the right track and guard our iman,thank you for all you have done,all you're doing and all you'll do,ya Allah make me have a safe delivery and make us among the best of believers.

After making that du'a,I  realised that Aryan was standing there gawking at her.

  "How long have you bee there?."

   "not long ago,I was admiring my wife,what were you thinking of baby? I  notice you were deep in thought, I would like to know what my wife was thinking about."

     "i was just making du'a for me and my whole family,I notice we all need it in our lives,so I made it,nothing big babe.

  "That is nice baby,we all should once in a while. I love you and ameen to our prayers,may Allah help us all."

Hello guys,I hope you like this chapter,stay safe and keep in touch,life is too short to be sad also
Love you all.
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