Chapter nineteen

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Aryan's P.O.V

I looked at my phone, wondering if it was Nabil I just spoke to him,he has never sounded so rough with me so what he wanted talking about must be very important.

I took my car keys and head for the ground flour.
After fifteen minutes drive,I got to the park,I love this park so much,I have hoped to bring my kid here someday but I guess it might not happen.

I got there and five minutes later Nabil showed up.

"you're five minutes late,where were you?"

"Save it, sit down. Before I start,do not bring that stank attitude of you being right always, accept defeat and admit that you were stupid and unreasonable. " Nabil stated,leaving no room for debate.

"what?!...." he held up his hand for me and brought out two laptops,what on earth is he doing?.
He sat there typing away and moments later he pushed both laptops my way.

"Nabil,what's all this? What are you doing? "

"Just compare the damn dates."

He looked at the screen and looked back at me.

"What exactly are you trying to prove here? "

"Don't you see? These laptops will tell you the truth you refused to believe from Naya and prove to you that she and I never had anything to do, I never came to your house to stay knowing you're not home and again! Naya has a disorder,remember,she battles with talking to people so how could she have cheated?."

He was making sense but I was not just going to admit me being wrong yet so I looked back at the computer screen, scroll through their conversations,I saw many congratulatory messages and business plans and never saw any sign of her cheating,I even saw when he congratulated her for being married.

I felt pained,why did I just jump into conclusion? I never gave her the chance to explain herself and....oh God!! I even called my child a bastard.

"God! I really did mess up,I was blinded by jealousy, I wasn't thinking straight, Naya has been nothing but loving and respectful wife,a very beautiful and successful one at that. I need to find her."

"Wallahi I feel like breaking every bone in you foolish head,stupid. Just because you cheat doesn't mean she will Ar,learn to trust her and the lack of trust ma should come from Naya not you."

"Will you help me find her? Please, she's out there in God knows where,with a pregnant body,she needs me Bil,please. "

"Is now you know they need you ko? Hmmm,well by the look of things they don't need you after all because they are doing just fine,both of them."

" Please tell me where they are,I want to see her and apologize as soon as possible. "

" I can't, already promised not to give out their location."

"Haba Nabil,you are supposed to be on my side ne fa because you're my best friend instead you're on hers?."

"That's because she has more sense of reasoning and she's my partner and also my sister,so fuck off and go think of ways to mend your broken home before Ya saif gets here. "

Immediately he said that my eyes widen,they are coming...this is terrible.
I sat down at the park,thinking of what I said to her, how I raised my hand to the only woman after my mom that actually cares,how stupid was I?.

Where could they be? My wife and my baby,where could they be!?"

After two long hours of self hate and self pity,I finally decided to go home,can I even call it that? It doesn't feel like a home without her in it.

I couldn't bring myself to go inside,I wish she'll just come back to me,I will apologize and try my best to never hurt her ever again,in shaa Allah.

Twenty minutes later.

After wallowing in self pity I went inside the house and for some reason it felt like home,could she have come back for me?.

I ran to my bedroom but found it empty,I don't know what made me think She'll be there,I sighed and walked to her room,not really expecting her to be there.

When I got there,I heard her voice, she was really here and it sounded like she was on the phone.

"ehh ya Hameeda,I am back,no he isn't home,I don't really care ya Hameeda...yes he's my husband but has he acted like one? Getting me pregnant and not even being here,I just want to come home to you guys. You know,when Abba brought this proposal, the only thing I kept asking Allah for,was to not have troubles because then I wouldn't know how to act on them but look what happened, problems after problems,I am super glad zeezee and Hanifa helped me with my disorder and now I'll be better,I am married to him but he's as good as the next non mahram standing by me at a store also know as a stranger."

I felt hurt by that but could I really feel bad,I got intimate with her without her concent, accused her of cheating and raised my hand at her, my parents will be disappointed.

"Ya Hameeda,have you ever in my 20 years of life seen me like this or hear me talk like that? No right? Then you should know that he pushed me to the end of the cliff and I am going to do as you say,I will stay at home but do not expect any form of relationship between us. Alright,see you both when you land,Zeezee said she'll help me pick you guys. Safe flight,love you too ya Saif."

I did I mess up this bad? I can't let pride pull me down,I will beg for her forgiveness and try to sort us before our baby is born,I want to have a happy family,in shaa Allah .

So I walked in the room,she turned and looked at me but didn't say a word,I stood there too unable to say a word. It was a staring contest and she might win it.

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