Chapter thirty one

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Naya's P.O.V

After waking up to pray at night,I sat down and poured my heart out to my lord,I needed his guidance in this situation and I needed him to shine light on the path I was taking,Aryan had hurt me a lot but like I told him,that baby was concieved before I decided to forgive him,so I couldn't hold that one on him.
I mean,it was expected of him,with the amount of flings he had,just never thought of the possibility of him having a kid outside,I have made my decision though,I won't punish that baby for my own selfish reasons.
I prayed to Allah to guide and forgive us all,we all needed it cause we are all sinners,may we not be led astray by our own heart and desires.

I stood up and went to little Zee's bassinet to pick her up,she was wailing,where was her father?

"Shhhh,shhhh,shhhh my baby,mommy's here.  Where the north wind meets the sea,there's a river full of memory,sleep my darling safe and sound ........" I sang the lullaby from frozen,I love that movie and I think she loves it too because she later kept quiet and began to sleep.

I stared at my baby with so much love and adoration and the sight of her her filled my heart with so much joy,I love her,I always will,alhamdulillah ya Allah.

I later retired to bed for the night,I may not know what tomorrow looked like but I am certain,no matter what,I will always be willing to learn about something more.

The next day.
I woke up late in the morning around 10:00am,Aryan was up by then and he was with little Zee,I heard what was his attempt at singing for our little girl and that cracked me up,I ignored them and went to take a shower before it was time to go.

After taking my bath I stepped out of the bathroom feeling fresh,when I stepped out my husband was in our room with our baby on his shoulder fast asleep,his back was to me but when he turned,he stopped dead in his tracks,he stared me down and that kinda gave me the chills,ever since I had little Zee,nothing has really happened between us,we have been distant,he looked at me with what looked like adoration and desire. I blushed and turned around to dress.

"Uhmmm,she is asleep,I fed her and made sure I burped her,should I put her down here or put her in her room for now?" He asked,was he asking me that because he wanted an some time?
"Just put her down here,will take over when I finish dressing" he looked sad and that made a hard pull to my heart strings, I didn't want to do that but I wasn't about to leave all that's happen behind,it hurts no doubt and I just can't ignore.

He nodded,dropped her and left the room without saying a word. After dressing,I strolled out of the room and went into his, he was on his phone.

"Who is he talking to at this time of the night?"
I thought he would end it but he didn't,he was talking to Nabil,I went closer to him and took a seat,waiting for him to finish his call which took quiet some time.

"You waited? It's that important huh?" I went forward and sat on his lap,staring deep into his brownish orbs,his eyes were one of my favorite,I can never resist the pull,I leaned forward and gave him a searing kiss and then I looked at him again.

"I am sorry about earlier,I am just caught up with everything that is happening,I love you so darn much and I am so sorry for turning you down,we'll catch up soon ok,I just need to settle everything,be at peace with whatever is happening and then move on,I promise I won't take long." I said sincerely.

"It's ok baby girl,I am not mad,just a bit sad but I get where you're coming from,I will give you as much as you need,just don't take long ok and I live you so freaking much you have no idea,I am so proud to call you my wife and that little bundle of joy in there is everything to me and I will love you,protect you and cherish both of you till the end of time. I am super worried though,what if I mess up again? Then what? I really don't want to hurt you."

I cupped his face and looked straight into his eyes to show him the intensity of my words

"Babe,I know you love me and I know you won't do anything to hurt me intentionally so,let's just live each day as it comes,that doesn't mean I won't screw you over if you mess up,I will leave and I won't ever call or come back." I said with so much seriousness.

My baby is so adorable, he laid his head on my chest and I could feel the tears beginning to wet my not so thick sleeping wear.

"Sshhhhhh!! It will be ok soon in shaa Allah,now we should go to sleep,we have a child to pick up tomorrow and aside that we have a lot to do,the DNA and stuff. I love you so much bae,may Allah guide us through this journey,Ameen

He said Ameen and gave me a peck on the forehead and one on the lips then walked me to my room,where I found my baby squirming,I picked her up and patted her to sleep better.

I don't know what tomorrow holds but I am prepared,I am more determined to do this,for the kid though and for Allah.

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