Chapter thirty three

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After the rain finally stopped, we got out of the car and finally went into our apartment, Zeenat and Nabil were there with baby Zee cradled to zeenat's chest. The atmosphere in our living room was dense,were
they fighting?

"Guys,what happened?" I asked and Aryan turned to
the couple in our living room then turned to me,we shared a look and I was about to say something when zeenat asked of the baby,our little baby boy.

I showed him to her and she had tears in her eyes that were ready to drop any moment from now.

"Want to hold him?"

"Yes please,I really would love and appreciate that."  I went to drop my plate and retired back to the couch to breastfeed my baby girl since Zeenat was currently with zaid,she's so obsessed with him,the cute little noises he makes and all.

" I must say Zaid is the second best thing after my Little zee, it brings so much joy to my heart knowing that these little cuties are related to me,I love them so much,I'd go to the moon round and back for the both of them, Aryan and Naya,I'd like to say thank you for giving me the opportunity to be in the lives of these two little cuties,I love you."

I gave her a very short nod and smile,we were still staring into each other's eyes when the sound of a message came in,it was my husband's phone,he picked it up and the content must have made him really uncomfortable......what could it be? He looked angry,frustrated and tired,he did some few swipes on his phone and later turned it off then held his head.

"Habiby? " I asked as I walked closer to him,that message was stressing him out and I don't like that one bit.

"Yes sweetie,what's up?" He asked trying to mask his nervousness.

"Are you ok baby? You seem a bit off." He turned to me and gave me one of his billion dollars smile that got to my stupid heart each time.

"I am doing good,don't stress anymore than you should,ok?....." I nodded and he said

"Now let's go take a shower while those two watch our little ones" he gave me a wink and my entire body got hot,knowing what he was proposing,I think it's finally time to let things go and become normal again,I couldn't keep running from him forever,he is my husband and we have a child together,I just have to work things out.

I smiled and led the way into our master room/our matrimonial room,haven't stepped into that room for a while now,everything was how I left it,it was neat though,everything was put in it's place.
I was still checking the room out when I felt his arms around my waist and a kiss was placed to my neck and shoulder blade,which made a shiver run down my spine,he turned me around and gazed deep into my soul,searching for any form of disapproval from me,I guess the answers my eyes gave him wasn't enough when he asked

"Are you sure you want this? Like a hundred percent sure you want it as much as I do? Because if you are not I am willing to wait until you feel more comfortable with everything that is going on." He said that looking me dead in the eyes.

"How long do you think I can run for? Two months? Three,four? I can't run forever baby,whatever has happened,happened,I was mad but not anymore,I cant keep the hate for long baby,so yea,I am ready for a fresh start at everything,so,henceforth,no more talking bout the past,the past is best left in the past,let's focus on our family,you,me,little zee and Zaid and let's focus on giving them the very best,they deserve that." With that I gave him a light peck on the lips and all I can say is that night was the best night of my life.

Two weeks later

Aryan's P.O.V

It's has been two beautiful,memorable weeks for me,everything has been going perfect,way more perfect than I imagined,well,until that number texted me again asking to meet up,I didn't know who it was or what I was going to do there so I ignored the call and labeled it a prank call and message.

I have been happy with my family no way in hell I'm I jeopardizing that over a stupid message from an anonymous number and by the way,Naya is better off not knowing .

At the end of the day,I got a call which I ignored at first but later picked up.

"Hello,Assalam alaikum,this is Aryan,who Am I speaking with?"

"You have been ignoring my calls and text messages,that's very bad of you sir."

My eyes went wide, Laila?!!!

I kept mute for a few minutes but spoke after I heart her irritating voice again.

"I am sure you figured out who it is now,I just wanted to let you know that I still think about us.what might have been and all if that wife of yours did not enter the picture,my baby would be with me,us,all I am trying to say is that I miss you so so much,I wish we can make amends and forgot what happened in the past."

"Laila I am sorry but we can't,I live my wife and it's her I want to spend my life with,so please stop talking nonsense unless you're high in that stupid drugs again.......damn it Laila!!! What is wrong with you? Tell me you never took those drugs while you were pregnant with my child? TELL ME!!!!!"

"I never did drugs while I was pregnant."

"Why? " I asked.
"Because our baby is the only thing tying us together and I didn't want to let go of that. I wanted you and still do want you for myself.

Assalamualaikum everyone!
I have been seeing all your votes,thank you so much,I  really appreciate it.
How are you all doing?
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Love you a bunch❤️

Sealed Fate (rewriting)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora