Chapter twenty six

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Hello guys how are you all doing? Enjoy!!

Inaya's P.O.V

I was so so stressed out, my own abba was behind bars,why?...I have no idea.
I was pacing down the halls of the house when they came back,ya Saif came in and saw me.

"Baby sis,are you OK? Do you feel sick? Come on,take a sit,you should rest." he tried getting me to sit but all I did was glare at my sister.

"Why? Why huh? You thought it wasn't important to inform me about all the happenings? They are my parents too!! you know?" despite my angry state, I chose my words carefully, she was my senior after all.

"Naya,I wanted to tell you so badly but they asked me not to,considering you are pregnant and you had complications with it at first,I was only following orders,believe me,it killed me to hold that in me everyday,each time I look at you I felt a surge of pain which was why I never looked at you ,I am sorry."

Even though she only followed rules I still felt hurt by what she did.

"I wish you all informed me earlier, now he's been arrested. "

Loud gasp was heard in the living room

"What?! When did this happen? Innalillahi wa'inna illaihi raji'un." she lost her balance and almost fell,luckily ya saif was close to her.

"Don't worry,I have contacted our lawyer,he's working over there and we are going to get him out of there soon. As it is I am waiting for him to give me a call. I don't know what they are charging abba with but whatever it was,it needed to go,I couldn't go a day with him being in there,it hurts so bad.

We all heard the door knob twist,I didn't mind because I knew who it was,I had already called him and told him what was happening and he rushed back.

Walking into the room he started searching for me with his eyes and when he saw me by the window,he rushed to me and gave me a hug, pecked my forehead and lips then he took me back to the couch,sat me down and handed me my burger and milkshake, I dove in immediately and then he rubbed my feet which made me feel more relaxed,I really can't complain about Aryan now, he is so sweet and caring,never fails to make me smile,always there to do his husband and daddy duties,he was the best,I loved that man to life.

"How do you feel?" he asked me.

" I was stressed but not anymore, this food and your foot massage got me relaxed, thank you." he smiled at me and was about to say something when a call came in,it was a call from our lawyer.

I can't believe this they are making Abba pay Ten million naira for what they knew so well he didn't commit.

"Can I talk to my Abba? I need to hear how he is doing,is he even fed well,is he sleeping in a good place? I asked frantically.

"Calm down Inaya,your dad is treated OK,he'll be out of there soon and yes,I'll get you through to him." the lawyer said.

I said thank you and waited on the line for my Abba.

"Abba's love,how are you?"
Hearing his voice had me in tears,i knew it was not good for my baby but whatever,my Abba was suffering.

"Abba,I am doing good,how are you? Are they feeding you well? Don't worry Abba,I will get you out of there soon,I promise."

"Naya,you don't have to,I am innocent and it will be proven, it will just take time."

"That is what I can't wait for Abba,I can't sit around while my father stays in jail suffering for a crime thousand knows he didn't commit. "

"Naya....." he started but I cut him off.

"Abba please,I am not going to listen today,I will do anything to get you out of that place If not,God knows when you'll be out,I have to go Abba, take care of yourself okay,I will call you as soon as you're released, I love you Abba. "

"Ok dear,I won't argue with you then,how are you and my grandchild? " at the mention of that I blushed.

"All good Abba."

" Alright,take care of yourself dear give the phone to your husband please.

I did and Ar put it on speaker.
"Aryan my boy,how are you?"
"I am doing good abba,how are you? "
"I am ok,I need you to take care of my daughter for me ok? Make sure you never make her cry else I'll come for you and please tell this to your daddy for me 'Thanks for what he did,he showed me what friendship of over 20 years look like' "
Saying that,I felt a sense of coldness that came with the words,could my husband's dad have something to do with this?

Aryan looked super uncomfortable and excused himself to make a phone call,10 minutes of talking on the phone,he came back.

He passed the phone over to the lawyer and I asked him to prepare the papers, I will send the money and he should get my Abba out of there as soon as possible.

Ya Rabbi,please guide and protect my Abba, grant zeezee quick shifa and grant me safe delivery,grant my family peace.

I wanted crying my heart out,so I went to my room,sat on the floor and cried my eyes out.
I was still crying when ya Hameeda walked in.

"Naya,I am so sorry I kept that away from you,I really wanted to tell you,believe me." instead of saying something to her I hugged her and we cried our hearts out.

"Its OK dear,i am sorry for lashing out,I shouldn't have,I was just stressed with the whole zeezee situation, so sorry." I apologized.

"Its OK Naya,how is she by the way."

"She has some growth in her lungs and is going to be operated on soon, they are fixing the date,I am scared ya hameeda,what if she doesn't make it? She is a part of me yanzu,I can't live my life without her."

"She's going to make it in shaa Allah,just put your trust in Allah and all will be fine, you shouldn't stress,remember you're pregnant. And my little niece or nephew has to be stress-free in the belly of yours you need to start taking care of yourself even if not for yourself for the baby you need to start eating healthy and sleeping very well, this is so real my little princess,my baby sister is pregnant ha ha ha ha

I let out a small laugh.

"That is so strange to hear wallahi."

"I know right? My baby sis is pregnant, woww,you know, we never had that discussion,we should someday .

I smiled at her and we stayed up catching up on events we missed. I have missed my sister so much wallahi.

Hello guys, here is an update, bare with me,I resumed school and I barely have enough time. I hope you enjoy.

Don't forget

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