Chapter eight.

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Inaya's P.O.V

I can't help but try to figure out what my head is telling me. Aryan smelt different, he smelt like a girl but I don't want to dwell on that,my marriage is just starting, I want it to start based on trust and nothing else.

I am not the social type of girl but I tried to talk to Aryan and he straight out Shawn me,he was so engrossed in his phone and didn't pay me any attention and honestly speaking I didn't like that,I know this was arranged and none of us wanted it this way,but what can we do? We just have to work with what we have.

After so many trial and error,I gave up and decided to take a nap.

“Madam...madam,we are here.” I heard and woke up immediately to search for Aryan,I looked around and he was nowhere to be found,I was confused and scared,I am not used to him but I would rather be with him than total strangers.

I looked to my right where there's this beautiful lady who looks older than me a little.

“Hi,my name is Zeenat,are you looking for someone? ” I just stared at her wondering if Aryan really left me here,seeing that I didn't answer she offered to help me search.

We took our bags and went off the plane,I searched for Aryan but he was nowhere to be seen,I started to panic,she looked at me trying to figure out what was wrong buy I couldn't say anything.

“Breath with me on the count of three,one...two...three, breath. ” I tried to focus on her voice and luckily I felt relieved.

“W...wa..water!”  immediately I said that she brought out her water bottle and fed me some water.

“Thank you so much,my name is Inaya.”  she looked at me for a moment and smiled.

I am new here so I decided to start working on my A.P.D and made a friend.

“Are you here with someone? ”

“Yes,I'm  here with my husband.” I said stuttering

“And he left you? That's rude.” she said and I don't know why but I felt like defending him.

“No,he didn't leave me, we agreed for him to get a cab when we landed,he must be looking for me now.” I said and I could tell she didn't believe me but let it be.

“Ok dear,if you say so,can we be friends? ”

I hesitated for a while but later agreed,I gave her my number and she went off after giving me a hug,she seemed nice.

I sat there waiting for Aryan for quiet a while.

“What are you doing here? I have been waiting for you but you never came,what's wrong with you? Are you that dumb?.” he yelled,I wanted giving him an answer but refrained from doing that because it was not in my nature to fight. So I just said a simple SORRY and we left.

After a forty minuted drive we arrived at our apartment and it look super great,it looks cozy and I loved it.

I took my bag to the room and settle down to unpack before eating and praying.
After unpacking I performed my ablution and prayed two raka'ats then I made a dua for me,my family and my husband then those sick and dead people out there.

When that was done,I went out to the kitchen and saw a note that says the food on the counter is mine,I took it and went back to my room,it looks like my husband wants nothing to do with me,he has gotten what he wanted after all,with that thought, the night just kept replaying in my head and I kept crying, wishing I could go back home,I am already tired, is this how marriage is? I don't want this at all. I kept crying until I got a call  from an unknown number.

“Assalamu alaikum. Inaya speaking. ”

“Hey dear,it's me Zeenat,are you home yet?” she asked sounding a lil concerned.

“Yes Zeenat,I'm home,already in bed about to take a nap.” I let out trying not to sound like I have been crying.

“Ok dear,I will chat you up and we should meet up sometime during the week,if that's OK with you.”

“That's fine with me,talk to you later and thank you for today.”

“Nonsense,you don't have to thank me dear,I am glad I was there to help such a damsel.” with that we wrapped it up and I ate my food quietly, when I was done I kept it by my bedside and doze off after setting my alarm so I can wake up and cook.

I woke up three hours later and prayed the went to the kitchen to see what we have so I can cook for both of us,after looking I saw we needed to go grocery shopping buy I could work with what I have for now. I brought out the macaroni and cheese, I am going to make Mac and cheese.

Feeling satisfied with me work,I served them in a food warmer and went back to my room to pray,when I came back out,Aryan and two of his friends were on the dining eating what I cooked for us and when he saw me,he didn't bother to greet me or introduce me to his friends. So I decided to do the greeting.

“Assalamu alaikum,good evening. ” I greeted and the other guys eyes came to me.

They greeted me back and told Aryan what took my breath out of my lungs

“Aryan,your maid is so beautiful and she can cook too,you're lucky man,I wish i could get her to work for me. Will you work for me,I will pay double” I felt insulted, I couldn't believe what they said and Aryan just sat there with out correct them and neither did  I, I just went ahead to the kitchen and looked for what to eat,i found bread and I just made tea and went back to my room,cried a little and ate.

I was done eating and clearing where I ate when I heard the ringing of my phone,I took it and it was ya Saif, he will know that I cried for sure.

Ya rabbi,what should I do?.

Aryan's P.O.V.

I went to her room to ask her what she wanted for dinner since we finished her food,I felt bad for is finishing her food and for muktar to insult her like that but whatever.

Reaching there I heard her in the phone.

“Ya Saif,how is ya hameeda? Hope she's not troubling you?”

He must have said something that made her giggle and the sound was nice. wait what?!

“No ya saif,I wasn't crying, what made you think I was crying? ” he said something and I saw her face drop.

I knew the reason why she was crying.

“Ok,you win. I was crying...” was she about to tell her brother what has been happening? For some reason I felt nervous.

“I was crying because I miss you all,I miss ammi,Abba,ya hameeda and champ, I miss him kicking at me and I miss your hugs ya saif,do you think I'm getting them anytime soon?” she asked trying hard not to break down.

“you're right, my husband's hugs are ten time better that yours,unjust want your though,I want to feel protected again, your hugs give me another type of relief, knowing that I will be guarded by you no matter what has me relaxed. Do you know what? I had a panic attack at the airport and this girl Zeenat helped me through it,she was so nice and now we are friends.” I watched her talk and she seemed relaxed for once since we got here.

“Oh no,ya saif, he went to get our stuff and it just happened, afterwards he took me back hone and stayed with me,you don't have to worry ya saif, if there's anything, I will alert you...” she paused for awhile and said I love you too and for some reason that angered me,why will she be telling another man she loves him.

She's so shameless, what's wrong with her?  This is not right.

I wanted leaving without her noticing but she turned her head and saw me.....

Here is an update fellas,please do your girl a favor and vote,comment and share.

How many of you have read the first book I uploaded and took down? Comment below if you want Life of Diyya to come back. Thank you so much.

Expect an update tonight in shaa Allah.

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