Chapter fourteen

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Aryan's P.O.V

We arrived at the hospital and there were Lot's of  bodies being carried into the hospital.

“What happened here?” I directed the question to no one in particular.

Nabil and I went inside the hospital and I saw a lot if people injured,some were dead,I went and asked for Inaya's room number and it was given to me fast which I was happy about.

We made a turn and I saw someone like Inaya,I went towards her and an ear piercing scream came from her.

“Abba!!!!! No please, Abba wake up please. ” she kept trashing around and I could see her friend trying to hold her still but she  wasn't having it.

Zeenat told her something and  with that she looked at her stomach and touched it.
I looked at her trying to figure out what she was told
she kept trashing around,trying to reach for her father so I went to her wanting to pick her up,she looked so gorgeous even when crying.

I held her in my arms and she flinched a little, I looked at her,she never does this when her brother touches her but with me she freaking flinched.

I still held her and took her out of there,she felt lighter,was she not eating properly?

Zeenat took us to her room and I placed her on the bed,she was still crying none stop.

She didn't even spare me a look,she hugged zeenat crying.

“Zeenat,my Abba,I want to go and see him,I want to know what happened to him,ya salam! Abba why? Please don't leave me in this world,I won't be able to it,Abba please! ” she kept saying. I felt pity for her,it's not easy to see someone you love in that situation.

“hey,it's OK my love, Abbas will be fine,I will make sure of it,he'll get well soon enough to see.... To hug you again.” she kept pacifying her when the door opened and in came Nabil.

“Naya,your dad is fine now,he was just unconscious but he's awake now,you need to rest,okay?.”

“B...Bil,do you really think my Abba is OK?”
She even calls him Bil that idiot.

“yes dear,he's fine in shaa Allah." I guess she believed him because she relaxed a little and turned away from everyone.

Twenty minutes later the doctor came in.

“Mrs Inaya,how are you feeling? ”
She just nodded and the doctor checked her vitals,I think sue didn't notice us seating in the Conner.

“You're OK and the....” she started saying when her eyes landed on Bil and I.

“Who are these men?” she asked.

“Please step outside, I need to tell the patient something important.” I rolled my eyes and got up.

“He can go out but I am staying, you can say whatever you want in front of me,I am her husband.” I said looking at her to guard her reaction but she wasn't even paying any attention to us.

The doctor also looked at her but she didn't say anything instead tears kept pouring out of her beautiful honey brown orbs.

“Please step out for awhile, she can tell you later if she wishes.” I looked over at her and she still didn't move. I decided to step out and let them be.

It has been twenty minutes and she's not out yet,what could they be talking about?

“Aryan,how are you doing? Where is Inaya?” her brother asked me and her sister just stood there with tears in her eyes.

“She's inside,the doctor is attending to her. Ya Hameeda,how are you doing? Congratulations. ”

She looked at me and then smiled.
“ I'm okay,thank you.”

Few minutes later the doctor came out and I went in to see Inaya still lying down.

“Naya!”ya hameed ran to her and hugged her tight but it was as if she remembered something then she released her.

“Ya hameeda Abba,how is Abba doing? ” she was broken and everyone saw it.

“shush! Abba is going to be fine,he's still unconscious for now but alhamdulillah he's alive.”

“He can't leave us ya hameeda,he can't! Ammi,you,me,ya saif,Huda (that's hameeda's baby's name) and...” she sobbed hard.

“Cupcake you need to stop okay? Abba is going to be fine and please rest,you need it more than ever.” ya Saif said to her

I kept wondering why they all treat her the way they do, she sure doesn't act like a spoilt brat,so why?

He gave her a peck and left the room,while his wife hugged her sister,I followed him because I need to know why she Is being treated the way she is,with so much care.

Ya Saif, hold on please. ” he urged me to continue and I did.

“why do you all treat her like that,like she's an egg?” he looked at me and was looking confused.
Why was he confused?

“She has a serious case of A.P.D and it used to be very bad but now it's going little by little. ” with that his wife came and they left,I wanted asking what that meant but I couldn't now. I have to seek Google's help.

What could this thing be? And how did she get it?.

I entered the room and tried talking to her,she didn't say anything and Nabil said we should probably let her rest,I dropped off what I brought for her and left.

Immediately I went home,I brought out my laptop and search for the meaning of that A.P.D
I pray I get enough on the case.

Good evening guys,how are y'all doing. Here is an update. Enjoy.....

Don't forget to please,

Sealed Fate (rewriting)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें