Chapter four

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Inaya's P.O.V

“Oh my word! Did you see him? he's looking so fine masha Allah,I'm so jealous of you baby sis!” she said...more like yelled sha.

“i heard that and you're getting something coming your way. Inaya I'm moving in with you,I'm taking a break from this marriage thingy,your crazy heavily pregnant sis is draining my little reserved strength for your wedding.”  oh God! Ya Saif won't kill me,he knows what's coming to him ai,my sis will go coocoo now.

“Oh yea? And who is responsible for that huh,dear husband? I'm here carrying our little champ and you're there being a big meanie, i hate you!” she said and started wailing, i don't blame her tho,its the pregnancy hormones,on a normal day you'd never see Ya hameeda cry,she never does. 
“come on baby,i was only kidding my love,the most amazing woman on earth,my noor( light) te amor baby boo,ok come to babe and tell him what the champ wants to have.” ya Saif knows exactly how to calm ya Hameeda down.
she smiled and said chicken wings and yogurt,my sister loves yogurt so much,you can buy her with yogurt,like literally!
I smiled at the duo and prayed that i have something more beautiful than their relationship,i know this arranged marriage us a lot for me but I'm ready to give it my all for my abba,i need this to work and for that i have to be serious with my therapy,its going to be vety hard but i have to.
Ya Saif went to get her those things she requested for and she totally forgot about my case,which i was glad for,i don't really feel good doing these things but i guess this is my life now and i just have to adjust.

after forty minutes ya Saif came and took his wife and i went to observe my salat and lay down for awhile.
“Assalamu alaikum daddy's princess,how are you doing?” i was about to rest when abba came in the room.
“wa'alaikassalam abba,good evening. How was work today?”
“Work was good baby,how was your meeting with Aryan?” immediately he said that i ducked my head, all these felt awkward. I couldn't answer so i just settled for smiling.
“I'm glad it went well dear,Alhaji muhammad kabir called and the date for the wedding had been fixed. You graduation is exactly in four weeks,so the wedding is in five weeks time...a week after your grads,he was talking about Aryan having to go back to his company for some urgent work,the boy will be leaving next tomorrow but everything will be handled by his mom and event planner,he has set everything and now its up to you  baby to prepare yourself mentally okay?” when he was talking and finally revealed when the date was,i felt like time stopped,i can't believe I'll be getting married and moving in with a man i don't know for the rest of my life in another country for that matter. Ya rabbi gani gare ka( ya rabbi here i come to you) please help me live a beautiful life full of loyalty,honesty,trust and respect from both of us.

Weeks passed by and i was finally done with my finals and i was super excited though being me,i didn't really show it. My parents wanted celebrating that but i objected,i hate gatherings.
after being done with my finals,everything started sinking! I will be getting married in 3 weeks time and it got me terrified,scared the shit out of me i won't lie but there is nothing i can do about it,i made the promise already.
That reminds me,i haven't seen Aryan in a long time,that's weird...considering the fact that he is suppose to be here more often, anyways i don't mind at all.
I was still busy pondering about my life,my business and how to break it to my parents,not that its a bad thing that i am doing,I'm just super anxious,anyways i was doing  all that when my parents,heavily pregnant sister and ya Saif came in all holding a gift box.
“Hello favorite girl in the world!”ya Saif cooed which earned him a glare from my jealous sister.
“Hey! What is the occasion wai?”
“Baby sis,don't you think you're pretty dumb for a smarty nerd ? We all waited to celebrate your victory but just too much,how can you feign ignorance,huh?” she thinks I'm joking.
“Ya hameeda wallah i don't know what's going on,what is the occasion?” i was honestly confused.

“Princess,these are your graduation gifts and also a pre wedding gift.” my mom said and it was like a truck full of rocks were rained on me,i instantly started feeling cold and hot at the same time,i knew i was getting married and i was already struggling with accepting that and now my parents are here to rub it on my face that i am no longer going to live here,that hurts sosai. I looked at them all and stormed inside me bathroom,luckily its comfortable enough.

i sat down there and cried my hearts out for hours none stop and now i have a headache but who cares.

Ya Saif's P.O.V
Immediately she ran off to her bathroom,her mom wanted following her but i stopped her.
“Aunt that's not the best thing to do right now,she needs space so that she can accommodate everything,i mean...she won't be here in a few weeks and that is taking a toll on her.” she nodded and left the room with her own tears streaming down her face.

Ya rabbi! My poor baby sis,she's so hurt and broken,i wish she will just let me help with this stupid A.P.D. why does it have to be her of all people,she's the sweetest thing that ever happened to me as a cousin.

I looked to my wife and saw her standing there with tears in her eyes,walked to her and gave her a kiss then put together all the gifts on the bedside drawer and left,luckily our house is a ten minutes drive from here. When we got home i brought out my phone and send Inaya a text.

Inaya's P.O.V

after crying my eyes out,i sat there unable to move a limb,I'm leaving my family and its killing me. Ya rabbi make it easy for your servant please. I was still praying when a buzz came through my phone,picking it up i saw it was ya Saif and decided to see what it says.

“hey there beautiful sis,it might seem like only you is standing in this but trust me,I'm in this with you princess,you helped saved me when i needed saving and i will forever be grateful. I love you.”

So,there it is guys and update,can you please leave a comment,i need to know what your thoughts are.
don't forget to
and share to put a smile on my face.
And we'll be getting into action soon.
Love y'all.

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