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Aryan's P.O.V

I must say,having a loving family, amazing friends and an outstanding and understanding wife is the dream of every man.

With all the wrongs I committed towards my wife, she forgave me and still loves me like no other,till date I bless the day our marriage was arranged,I bless everything that led me to the love of my life,the mother of my kid,the one that brings me peace,she saw light when all I could see was darkness,she gave me a shoulder to lean on when I had none,became my eyes when it was too hard for me to see clearly,I will forever be thankful to that beautiful woman i call my wife,I will forever be indebted to my dad as well,it was because of him I got this amazing family.

I find myself feeling grossed out whenever I remember all the nasty behaviors I exhibited months back,I wish I could go back and change so many things I had done but I couldn't even if I tried and that will hunt me for life,Inaya had asked me to forget everything and focus on welcoming our baby but I still couldn't forget those horrible things I did to her when all she did was try to love me and save me from drowning.

Looking at my wife in the hospital room with her bestie,both wearing smiles I'd offer anything for them to keep it forever, I looked over at my man staring at the girl of his dreams,I have never seen Nabil like this with anyone,he had always been the softie with the I don't want trashy relationships before my soul mate vibe,he would never date or move pass talking stage with any girl he met,he wanted to find THE one and I think he did,I was so very happy for them and cant wait to see them start a life of their own,it gladdens my heart knowing they got each other,Zee Zee was the best I could tell,she took care of everything like a pro and never let any shit get in her way,she is good for Nabil and he could see it,if fact anyone who couldn't must have third degree blindness,if there was anything like that,hahahahaha!.

Still admiring my whole family,I prayed earnestly for Allah to keep things the way they are,for my wife to keep her gracious smile and for Nabil to have a forever happy after with his girlfriend.

Everything was perfect, my friends and wife,heck even the hospital was fine.

I was still busy in my train of thought when a sight caught my attention, it was the sight of Naya crunched down,holding her stomach and the bed railing for support,with Hanifa rubbing her back and calling for extra help.

I froze! Was it time? I didn't know what was holding me but I froze, I couldn't move a muscle seeing my wife in such state,she turned to me and smiled but anyone could tell that was fake,my world came crumbling down right in front of my eyes,was she going to be ok? Will she make it out alive unscathed with our beautiful baby in her arms or her chest? Or will she give up on us all and die....which I pray she doesn't in shaa Allah.... I hoped and prayed.

I finally got the strength to walk over there when she was being strapped on the bed,I held her delicate hands and wiped her tears,she was in pain and there was nothing I could do but watch her go through it  and pray for her,give her my undying support.

I went blank again but a tight squeeze and a scream brought me back to reality.
"What do I do?"
I stayed beside her and when she was being wheeled I literally begged the doctor to let me in,she finally agreed and I was given a doctor's scrub before being allowed to enter

Thirty painful minutes full of tears,screams and heart break later.

Naya was losing too much blood and the doctors was trying their best,Hanifa kept glancing my way,I think she was trying to assure me that she was doing well and for me not to worry but the truth is I couldn't help but worry,that's my world right here.

I performed my ablution (a type of cleansing done by the Muslims to perform a prayer.)
Then I prayed tirelessly, asking my rabbi to grant my wife safe delivery, it was really hard seeing her in that condition. After several nafil,I paused when I heard screaming coming from beside me.

Seeing her condition,I bolted towards them.

"What is wrong with her? Why are her eyes rolled backwards? Hanifa what is going on?"

I kept asking but no answer, I was longing to see that reassurance smile from Hanifa,instead I saw tears streaking down her cheek.

"Aryan.....she is weak,very weak and she can pass out any moment from now,which could be very dangerous to the baby and her the mother,what I'm saying is...... We don't really have time,so please sign on this documents and let's give her a caesarian section,that is the only way we can save them both. "

I felt like a truck filled with stone was dumped on me,my breath seized and I was hyperventilating,I couldn't think straight nor see clearly,ya Allah No!!!!!! Please No.

I finally signed and she was wheeled out.

I kept praying and checking on them every few minutes.

Forty minutes later

It has been over forty minutes and they are not out yet.

I kept praying until I saw the red light over the theater door turn green. Few minutes later, Hanifa came out and asked me to follow her to the office.

"Hanifa,what is wrong? Was it successful? What do we have?" I ranted.

"Please take a seat." That sentence just drained all the blood from my body .

I was about to protest but she gave me a look that says BEHAVE. So I sat down,anxiously waiting for the good news.........or bad news.

"We had a not so successful surgery..... In the process of stitching her up,the surgeon stitched her intestine with it...."

A gasp left my mouth and I started tearing up.

"But!...we were able to solve that and now they are both fine,they are in recovery though and it will take a week before we let them leave. Ohhhh and here is the great had a very very beautiful baby girl, she kinda looks like me. " she said grinning.

Hearing that I let out a silent cry, and laugh at the same time then went on sujood,thanking my rabbi for blessing me,I now have a Queen and a little princess I was going to spoil till death.

"When can I see them? "

"the baby is being cleaned and Naya is asleep,will alert you when she's up,for now, go get all that is on this list and also some beverages, She'll be very hungry. Congratulations daddy,I must say you have to add a cutlass to that list cause my baby girl is going create commotion when it comes to the male specie." I laughed at that and thanked her.

I gave her a big smile,I really have changed, if it was before I would have gave her a hug but now I am a changed soul, thanks to my baby Queen and little princess.

From here onwards, I will strive to be the best son,the best husband and best daddy to my little girl,and better yet,an even better Muslim.

Alhamdulillah for the gift of life,I really I'm the most luckiest man on earth,this is what people call from grass to grace or in my situation I was in the mud before I was cleaned.

This has really been a life changing journey and I am very glad I went through it with my Queen.

Here is an update guys,so sorry is late,I'm in school that is the reason why.

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