Chapter sixteen

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Inaya's P.O.V

It has been dayz since we came back from seeing abba and days since my husband started acting weird.
He's so nice to me this days,he asks about my likes and dislikes,make lunch and other stuff,takes me out to stroll,I am just enjoying this in general.

Abba is still in coma,I just wish he would come back already.
Ya Hameeda has been so loving with her daughter since forever and I am just so jealous right now,I can't wait to see my baby, have him smile at me and all.

Ever since I found out I was pregnant, it was like my life had been given more meaning, I try to do things differently.
I love the feeling of having it in my belly,it changes a love,I so love being a mother already.

I was seated in the living room when Ar and his friend walked in.

"Our bride, how are you doing Naya?" Nabil is my favorite friend of Aryan,he has a good personality and also good at heart.

"I am fine thank you,how are you doing?"

"I am not OK,really! I miss your cooking, can you please make something for me,please sis? I will assist." he asked dramatically.

"Go get a freaking wife and leave mine alone." That was Aryan,when he said that a blush crept up on my face,I'm glad I have dark skin.

"Its no biggy, I will go make coconut rice,chicken and cupcakes, will that be OK." I asked looking at Ar.

"Yes sure,that's too much ma."
"No its not,I can make it." I said and headed to the kitchen to start up on my work.

Cooking was something I loved doing,I started entering the kitchen at the age of nine,my mom will scold me to go out but Abba will always tell her that she should let me learn. Thinking about him brought tears to me eyes.
I was still shedding a few tears when I felt someone beside me.

"He's going to be fine you know? " he said looking at me.

"For how long though will he be like that,my whole world feels like it's crumbling and I can't do anything about it,my Abba is my life,literally. He did a lot for me and I would want to do same for him. I miss him so much." I said and broke down even more.

Ar came closer and patted my shoulder.

"I'm sorry you saw me like this."
"you don't have to be. Now let me help make this food because I'm starving. "

I giggled at that and continued making the food.
Life now ain't so bad,I like having Ar this close to me.

I am yet to tell him about my pregnancy, will he even accept the baby? Of course he will,what I'm I saying?

I shook that feeling away and finished the dishes and took em all to the dinning.

We talked and talked,we ate and they seem to like the food.
"Ya Allah I pray this never changes." I said out.
"What did you say?" that was Nabil.

"Nothing,so when I'm I going to finally meet her.?"
I asked him grinning. Ar smirked at him too.

"You're not going to meet her,because I don't know who she is yet." he shrugged.

I decided to let it slide,because I am not the kind of girl to pry.

We were done eating and sitting in the living room when we all heard the door bell.

Ar got up to get it and when he came back he had my baby niece with him.

"Yayyyyy,my baby is here,let me have her please. "

"Naya leave my baby alone,yours will soon come." when she said that it was as if I was frozen I didn't move for a while and when I did I caught Ar's eyes on me,he just kept staring so I smiled at him and continued with my baby.

"How are my babies doing?" Ya saif asked coming into the living room.

I got up and hugged him,I love my brother so much and whispered to him not to say anything about the pregnancy,he nodded and then we let go.

The door bell rang again and I was so excited because I knew who it could be.

"Where is my soul mate at?" the crazy girl said coming towards me,she gave me a big hug and asked of her baby.

"Fine. Zeezee will you please make me that coffee you made the other time?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"Naya you can't take coffee." ya Saif, ya hameeda and zeezee scolded

"Just this one time please? I promise not to anymore after this one time." they all gave me the eyes and I shrank.

"Can I at least have my ice cream?" I asked feeling down.
"Naya do not make me whoop you ass,you are freaking..... Not allowed, remember you are sick." zeezee said.

"you're sick? Why didn't you tell me? What's wrong with you?" Ar asked coming to me.

"I am fine Ar,don't mind Zeezee." I glared hard at her.

"Are you sure? I noticed how you are becoming slimmer and also kinda eat more but you're not putting weight. What's wrong with you?."

"I don't know yet Ar,when I find out you'll get to know,okay? " he nodded and we all moved to the main living room.

We were all seated there when I noticed Ar was nowhere to be found,where could he have gone to?.

I decided not to pay any mind to that as we carried on chit chatting with my favorite people in the world.

Few minutes later, Ar walked out if the room,looking Angry,what just happened to him? He was fine a minute ago.

I got up and went to him.
"What happened Aryan? You looked pissed."
He looked at me with so much hate,oh...we are back to that huh.

"I thought you were different, I thought you wouldn't be like them,but I thought very wrong." with that he hissed and left.

I was so confused, what did I do now? What was he talking about? Who I'm I like?.

I couldn't answer all this questions even when I tried,I guess I will have to wait for him to come back home to get answers.

Good morning Guys,how are y'all doing? I hope you all are keeping safe and enjoying your precious time?

Here is an update for y'all,thank you for sticking out till this part of the story,it's about to get hot in here so buckle up. I hope you like this,if you do please do not forget to

Love you all. Have a great week ahead.

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