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A/N: Before we start this chapter, I want to say, any of you who blamed Ae Ri, a little girl in this book, need some serious help! I don't care how you feel about Jungkook or Jin's character, but a child? I am floored, unbelievable!  

Anyway, here is to a chapter no one predicted. Gosh, it's only chapter twenty-one, and I feel like it's chapter fifty or something; so much has happened, but I appreciate the journey I am able to take you on thus far with this book; thanks for staying with me 💜. Your support is always appreciated.


Ae Ri wiped her tears while rummaging through her weekend bag for her phone; she couldn't find it. She had used it earlier when she spoke to Jungkook to tell him goodnight, but now she couldn't remember where she had placed it. The added anxiety of searching for it made her cry more, causing her to drop herself to the floor and scream out as she kicked her feet. "I hate my life!" she cries out, hitting her head back and forth against the nightstand.

The pain in her heart was new, as a little girl, she had felt disappointment and had been hurt when her Appa didn't show up to her recitals or spend time with her, but this kind of pain she was feeling was different. She always wonders what made her different from most of the kids who went to her school; their parents were always there and present, but it was only her dad for her.

She got picked on by other kids, who made fun of her, as each time Jin told her he would show up to an event, she bragged to her friends in excitement, only to be left disappointed. Some kids had begun bullying her that her Appa didn't care to see her perform, and she was always lying that he was going to come. None of her friends knew her Appa even though she tried telling them that he was very important that's why he couldn't be there for her, they never believed her.

Ae Ri saw the conflict with her parents; she was young but not stupid. She could see how upset her dad got with her Appa. Hence, she avoided sharing with Jungkook what other kids would say to her. She hated when her parents argued over something that was concerning her. She didn't tell them, but she didn't sleep when they did, and it worried her.

Nights upon nights, she prayed for her parents not to fight; she knew her dad was always there for her, he never missed any of her shows and knew her Appa missed all her shows and was hardly home, but she also knew he was busy. She didn't understand why he was always busy when he and her dad both work, but she saw her dad more than her Appa, but now she understood, her Appa wasn't around because she made him unhappy, and that pained her more than anything else that had ever happened to her.


Jin closed his eyes, opening and closing his fist as he takes a deep breath, looking up to the sky, "what did I do?" he whispers to himself, as he brought his hand to face wiping his tears.

Clutching his fingers into his hair, he shakes his head in frustration, "fuck!" he yells out, kicking his foot against the balcony railing; he murmurs something muffled and turns to look at the open door which his daughter had run through to go call his husband.

He didn't know what to do now, he had unleashed his frustration on his daughter, and he was certain Jungkook had been notified by now. He hadn't seen Ae Ri since she ran off, and now he didn't know how to approach her.

Shaking his head, he closed his eyes and took another deep breath, "when did my life become like this?" he asked himself, staring into space. Jin had never predicted the future he had now; he didn't even know he and Jungkook would get to this point in their life.

Mustering up some courage, he leaves the balcony and returns to his apartment. "Ae Ri, Ae Ri!" he calls out as he walks around his apartment, going to her room; he doesn't find her there. He calls out for her again, but no response. Checking the bathroom, he has no luck; but, upon going to his bedroom, his heart drops when he sees her on the floor, leaning her head against the nightstand.

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