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Jungkook's Pov:

I had left Jin downstairs after he couldn't give me a response. He always thinks he can say whatever he wants and then butter me up five seconds later.

It usually worked, but today I was going to stand firm with him. His words were very insulting earlier. I don't mind him going out with Jimin either, but I'm your husband show me you care about me too.

No matter what Jin wants, I have always stopped drop and roll to make it happen. I'm not asking for him to do the same, but prioritize his family in the same way he does his work, and his best friend.

Looking up from our bed, I see Jin walking into the room. "I made dinner." He spoke and wandered over to me.

"I'm not hungry." I turned on my side, giving him my back and looked at the basketball game that was on, on t.v.

He surprised me by jumping over on the bed and laid next to me while wrapping his arm over me. "I'm sorry about earlier. I was rude and wrong. You are never a second option, and it bothers me that you felt like that. You are my husband; your role in my life is irreplaceable. Jimin or no one can ever take your place in my heart or life. I feel regretful about my words today. I hope you can forgive me and allow me to make it up to you.

I spoke to your parents, and they agreed to keep Ae Ri until Sunday. I think a weekend for us together without our daughter around will do us some good. I know this is what you were trying to do earlier, and I'm sorry for brushing you off. I didn't mean it. I made your favorite food downstairs, and I am also baking a cake.

I promise no working this weekend; I'm here for whatever you want to do. Just please don't be mad at me. I hate it when you are upset with me because I don't know what you are thinking, and it scares me. I-it makes me worry that you might want to l-leave me. I know I am not perfect, but I'm trying to be better."

I immediately felt terrible hearing him say that.

Wrapping my arms around him, I pull him closer to me. "I don't want you to be perfect. Perfection doesn't exist. I only want you to be there for us. Treat me as a priority in your life and not an option. Our daughter, as well. I don't ever treat you or make you feel like that. If you start doing that, you won't ever have to worry or feel scared about me leaving you."

"You both are my priority. P-please, tell me you have never considered leaving me."

"If we are your priority, I have no reason to consider leaving you."

He pulls away and sits up, looking at me with tears in his eyes. "You didn't answer my question, though. I said to tell me you have never considered leaving me."

I sat up and wiped the tears that were falling from his eyes. "Jin, I'm not going anywhere. We might not agree on everything, but the good outweighs the bad. My love for you today is the same as when I first told you I love you. Don't cry or worry yourself. You know I hate it when you cry, please stop crying." Jin crying was a weakness of mine. I hated it when he cried. He and our daughter, whenever they cried, it broke my heart.

"Y-you have considered leaving me, haven't you?" his voice broke as he stared at me.

I can't believe he was still on this; I thought I made myself clear to him, "No, Seokjin, I have never considered leaving you. Have I been angry with you, of course, I have. I am sure it's the same for you too, but just because I get upset does not mean I want to leave you. Our marriage is not something we quit because we don't agree on something, or we argue. Like I told you earlier, treat Ae Ri and me as a priority, and these things won't have to be a worry to you. Now, stop crying, and let's enjoy this special weekend you are going to treat me to. It's not every weekend we get to be without our daughter or have you not work" I hugged him against my chest, and he hugged me back.

While he was sometimes absent and rude with his words, he had never done anything to hurt me intentionally. I knew being a parent wasn't his strong suit, but we all had our strengths and weaknesses; it's why he had me as a husband, so I could be there for our daughter when he couldn't or didn't know how to be there. 

"I love you, Jungkook, and I am sorry. I know we have a lot to work on, and I promise you I am going to try harder." he looked up at me and kissed me on the lips after he apologized.

And just like that, I was memorized by him again. It was hard for me to stay upset with him for a long time. I don't know why he just had an effect on me. I believed in his words, and I believed him, he was going to make an effort to change. Something only time would tell.

Pushing him down onto the bed, I hover over him and kiss him back, "I love you more." I whispered against his lips and kissed him passionately.

His fingers weaved through my hair, and he kisses me back, more deeply than before.

We stayed in bed, kissing each other as I grind my groin into his, hearing his soft and panting escape his lips. His hand gripped onto my arms, squeezing them as he pushes his hips forward, pressing his member against mine.

Reaching under his shirt, I pinched his nipple, and he bucked his hips against me and squirmed beneath me.

The sound of his phone ringing goes off and he froze into our kiss and pushed at my chest.

"Ignore it," I whispered to him and kissed him again.

He kissed me back and then pushed me off him. "I can't. I'm still not done with work for today- hello, no, no, I will respond. Sure, Jimin can sign in my absence. I will review everything on Monday; you can leave them with him. Oh, I see, sorry, it's fine, you can send it to me for review. I will take a quick look and then send it back. Thank you."

Jin hung up the phone and looked over at me. "Umm, do you want to go to eat now? I have something I need to finalize before the end of the day as legal needs it. By the time you are done with dinner, I will be finished, and maybe we can finish what we started."

"I'm not hungry. Do your thing. I'm going to take a swim."

"A-are you upset?"

"No, of course not. Why would I be?"

"Can you at least go eat what I cooked. I put a lot of effort into making it."

I turned and looked at him, "I will eat when I'm hungry. Right now, I want to swim if that's okay with you."

"Fine, I'll join you afterward. I promise you I won't stay long. It's just a document I'm reviewing." He walks over and plants a kiss on my lips before leaving the room.

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now