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Jungkook's Pov:

Right after work, I picked up Ae Ri from school and went home. Jin was not feeling well when he left for work this morning, so I wanted to prepare him a good meal and then set a soothing bath for him to relax.

I know how hard he works, and with him not feeling too well today, I know it must have been a lot harder for him.

Knowing how much he loves steak and pasta, I made that for him, and then pasta and shrimp for Ae Ri; she didn't want any steak.

After fixing dinner, I helped Ae Ri with her homework, and then we settled in the living room and watched a movie together while we waited for Jin to get home.

"Is Appa having a boy or a girl?" Ae Ri looks towards me and asks.

"We don't know as of yet, but we will find out at his next appointment. Why, what do you want a brother or a sister?" For me, it would be nice if we had a boy, but I am okay either way.

"I want a sister," she responded with a smile, resting her head on my chest and turning her focus back to the t.v.

Brushing her hair, I smiled at her response, "well, let's hope you get a sister then." I wanted a son, but if my daughter wants a sister, I prefer she gets her wish.

"I really hope so, daddy, then we can play all the time and have fun, you, me, and my baby sister."

"And Appa too."

She turned and looked at me, shaking her head, "no, not Appa, he doesn't like playing with us; it's always you and me who play. The baby will play with us when they are here, but I don't think Appa will want to."

"He does, baby, it's just Appa is busy most times, and when he comes home is tired, it's not that he does not want to play with us." I tried reassuring her even though it did something to me to know she was having thoughts like that.

She didn't say anything back, only turned and looked at the t.v.


When Jin got home, he looked tired, as if he had a very stressful day, but he smiled appreciatively when I told him I made dinner. Ae Ri and I set the table while he went to wash his hands before coming to join us.

"Smells good, what did you make?" he asked as he took a seat next to our daughter.

"Steak and pasta for you and I. Ae Ri have shrimp; she didn't want steak."

I saw a change in his expression as if something was wrong, "everything okay?" I questioned wonder if there was something with the smell of the food.

He looked at me and smiled, "yes, everything is okay. Do we have any salad?"

"We do, I will go get it; I didn't put it out because I made steamed veggies to go with our dinner."

"Oh, leave it, then, I will have the steak and the steam vegs. I had a big lunch today, and I don't want to have any pasta this late, trying to avoid gaining any extra pounds more than I am already going to gain but thank you for making this, I know I will enjoy it."

"Y-you are welcome." I was a bit taken back, but I decided not to say anything. I didn't understand his reason for not wanting to gain any weight, which would be unavoidable during his pregnancy, but whatever will make him comfortable. He should know by now I don't care if he gains weight.

I watch as he takes out food for him, taking a steak serving and a small amount of veggies, then pouring himself a glass of water. Usually, he had wine with his dinner, but with being pregnant, he had been drinking water instead.

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