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"I will give you both a moment." The doctor states, giving them an apologetic look, and leaves the room.

Jungkook turned and looked at his crying husband, who was holding onto his hand, "I-I am so sorry." Jin said through his tears, looking at Jungkook. "This is all my f-fault. P-please don't leave me Jungkook. I am so sorry, I-I caused this to happen."

Closing his eyes, Jungkook pulled a chair close and took a seat, holding Jin's hand more firmly into his as he stared at him, "baby, please don't blame yourself. There is no way we could have expected this would have happened. Ae Ri was born perfectly normal; your pregnancy with her was fine. I am surprised the doctors didn't find out there was an issue before now. I mean, I don't know why you had an abortion or why you never told me, but we can't change what happened before we met. I had done things in my past before I met you that I am not proud of either, so I am no one to judge you." It was hard for Jungkook to hear his husband had an abortion, but it wasn't for him to judge. He wished Jin had shared it with him, but maybe he wasn't comfortable with doing so, and he understood it. It's not like his husband aborted a child that was theirs, that now would be different, but his husband wouldn't do that.

He and Jin and some challenges in their marriage, but not to the extent where his husband would do something like that and not tell him. He knew for sure it had been before they met, and considering the years they were together, maybe it was teenage pregnancy.

Jungkook noticed Jin's tears never stopped flowing; he opened his mouth many times to speak but didn't. "It's okay; you don't have to talk now. We will get through this. I know it's hard, but we will." he leans down and kisses Jin's knuckle as tears fell from his eyes. He had been trying to hold them back, but he couldn't anymore. Losing their baby was not something either of them had anticipated happening, and now it seems like their daughter Ae Ri was a blessing.

"J-Jungkook I-I am so sorry."

"Babe, please stop apologizing, it's okay, it's not your fault, we are going to get through this," Jungkook said, reassuring his husband as he stared up at him.

Jin shakes his head, "b-but it is, I caused this."

"Jin, there is no way you would have known this would have happened. We had Ae Ri, and she was fine. These things happen, but we can fix it; it's not the end, I promise." Jungkook didn't want his husband blaming himself; losing their child was already enough pain.

Trying to sit up, Jin winces out as his stomach pains him, as Jungkook tries to stop him, he stops Jungkook. "J-Jungkook, I didn't have an abortion before we met. I had the abortion last year."

As the word left Jin's mouth, Jungkook released his hold on him, and his eyes widened, staring at his husband, confused. He had no words, he waited for Jin to tell him it was a lie, but all he saw was more tears flowing from his husband's eyes.

"I-I got pregnant last year, a-and I did it without thinking and-" Jin stopped talking as Jungkook stood up.

"Was it our baby?!" Jungkook asked in anger, making Jin flinch.

"O-of course, I have never cheated on you." Jin was shocked by Jungkook's question.

Jungkook clenched his teeth together as tears flow down his face. His throat felt dry; he suddenly felt empty. He didn't know how to process what his husband was confessing to him.

"J-Jungkook, baby, please say something. I am so sorry; I didn't know this would have happened." Jin wanted to get off the bed and go to his husband, but he couldn't because of the pain he was in.

Jungkook eyes roamed around the room, not being able to look at Jin, "tell me something, did you want t-this baby, or did you keep it because I found out too?"

There was a moment of silence in the room as Jin tried to gather his words, "I-I wanted the baby-"

"Don't you dare lie to me! You are expecting me to believe after you aborted our child a year ago, you suddenly wanted to have one this year?" Jungkook clenched his fist together and stepped back further away from Jin, "I-In a million years I would h-have never predict you would do this to us. I know you struggle with being a father to Ae Ri, and you hated being pregnant with her. I get it. I-I never forced you to have another child; I even wore condoms when you wanted me to—respecting your wishes and your body always. Right now, I am not as hurt about you doing the abortion as much as I am hurt that as your husband, you didn't include me, a-at least make me aware that you were pregnant and you didn't want to have another baby. I wouldn't have hated you for being honest with me Seokjin, you should know that by now, but now knowing this, I can't stand here being with you-"

"No, no, Jungkook, you can't leave me, please, you can't. I am sorry. I will work on fixing this; we can have another baby, I can fix this, you said it yourself; it's treatable. I know I hurt our family, b-but I wasn't thinking, and I am sorry, but you can't leave me. W-we can't break apart our family. You and Ae Ri are all I have. I need you, Jungkook." Jin pleads with Jungkook while crying hysterically. He gets off the bed, not caring about the physical pain he was feeling. The pain and the thought of losing his husband were far greater than the physical pain he was feeling.

Jungkook stared at Jin moving towards him, everything within him weakened, and he shakes his head, "Stop using WE! You gave not one fuck about us when you did what you did. You don't need me. You don't need Ae Ri. You only need yourself. You want to be single; you got it." He turns to leave the room, not looking at Jin anymore, but Jin pulled him by his shirt.

"Oh, God, no, I don't want to be single. I am sorry. I know I have been selfish, but Jungkook, please, you can't leave me like this; I just lost our baby-"

Jungook turned and screamed at Jin, making him step back. "Don't you fucking use our dead baby to play with my mind! Tell me something, Seokjin, truthfully, did you do an abortion because you didn't want another child, or did you do it because of work?"

He watched as Jin's eyes lowered to the floor and tears fell to the floor, "Jungkook p-please understand i-it's hard working and being a -"

"Say no more, we are done Seokjin, I want a divorce, and I want sole custody of Ae Ri."

Jin's head shot up, and he shook his head, not believing Jungkook's words, "p-please no, let's work this out. I will do better, Jungkook, I promise, I can't lose you."

"Save your promises for someone who is dumb enough to believe them. I will not allow my love for you to bring me any more pain; you have done enough. I am done, Seokjin, and I am serious; I want you out of the house. If you don't go, I will!" Jungkook glared at him before storming out of the hospital room.

Jin drops himself to the floor, ignoring the shattering pain in his stomach as his entire world crumbles before him.

Jungkook didn't make it out of the building as he collapses in the corridor of the hospital.


A/N: Welp, you can expect some changes in the upcoming chapters. It's not called Diary of an Angry Husband for nothing. 

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