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After kissing Jin and saying goodnight before going to bed, Ae Ri said, "I am happy that you have returned home, Appa." and then placed a kiss on his cheek.

Jungkook looked on as Jin kissed and embraced her goodnight from the doorway.

When Ae Ri came over to him, he took her hands, walking with her to her bedroom, "did Appa come back home because I wanted him to?"

"Yeah, he did. Are you happy?"

"I'm glad because Appa and I have spent a lot of time having fun together at his other house. Now we can all have fun together with you and the dog. Will he still want to play with me?" Ae Ri asked as they approached her room.

He gave her a nod, "sure he will, but Appa isn't feeling well yet, so give him some time. He might not feel like having fun right now, but it doesn't mean he doesn't want to have fun with you."

"Ohh, okay. But what's wrong. What's wrong with Appa?"

"You don't need to worry yourselves. It's only a stomach bug; he will be back to normal soon."

She nods her head as Jungkook picks her up, kissing her forehead and putting her to bed, tucking her in and reading to her one of her favorite stories until she falls asleep.

When he returned to his room, he saw Jin moving about the room with a towel wrapped around him.

"Everything okay?"

As Jin glanced at him and spoke, "I left some clothes in the closet, but they aren't there, and my other clothes are in the apartment until we have a chance to go get them. Are you aware of what happened to the clothes I left here?"

"I took them out and put them in our guestroom down the hall."

"What does that mean? Were you never expecting me to move back in? Or are you telling me I need to sleep in the guestroom?" Jin was staring back at Jungkook, hands-on-hips.

"I just moved your stuff; it's not like I did that today; it's been since you moved out. I'm going to sleep in the guest room; if you want me to put your clothes back here, I will." Jungkook sighed.

You can't let me sleep by myself. Are you serious, Jungkook? Look what I just went through, I need you by my side, I need to feel you," Jin moved towards Jungkook, tying his arms around him. "I need to touch you; I need you to touch me, I need the memories of him to be removed from my mind, please don't let me sleep alone, I can't be alone, not right now, please. I need you." Jin was looking up at Jungkook with tears in his eyes as Jungkook stared back at him.

Jungkook closed his eyes, taking another deep breath; he hugged Jin, "tonight, I will sleep in here."

"Thank you," Jin whispered in a sniffle but grew confused as Jungkook walked away. "Where are you going?" Jin asked nervously."

"To get your clothes, you need to get dressed. I assume you are going to work tomorrow?"

Jin glanced at his feet, "I must go, I have missed some important stuff, and I am facing an important meeting tomorrow—"

"Don't explain anything to me, and I will go get your clothes." Jungkook turned and walked out of the room, not entertaining Jin further about his work.


Jin lay on his back in bed, eyes narrowed, tears running down his cheeks. He thought about the other people Namjoon may have attempted or done something as he did to him. He became afraid to think about it. What ifs plagued his mind, wondering what would have happened if Jungkook did not come to his rescue; he couldn't sleep wondering so many things.

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