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Jungkook's Pov:

After finishing my daily workout and taking a shower, I head to Jin and my bedroom to find him surprisingly in bed, wearing one of my pajama shirts.

I guess he must have seen the look on my face causing him to speak, "you seem shocked to see me?"

"Well, you in bed this earlier is hardly a thing, but I won't complain." I got into the bed next to him, sitting up with my back resting on the headboard, taking the remote from the nightstand, and turning on the T.V.

He pulls in close to me, resting his head on my chest, "I figured we could relax together if I signed off work early. Also, did you cancel your trip as we spoke about earlier?"

That's when it all clicked why he was in bed earlier than usual; he was really against me going on my trip. "I am happy you decide to spend some relaxing time with me. I have a movie we can watch, and to your question, no, I did not cancel my trip and will not be canceled; I am going Seokjin."

I didn't have to say anything more; he sat right up, "you not being serious, right?"

"I am serious. This is important to me, I benefit from going to these events, and I will be going. I don't interfere with your work trips, and I will not allow you to interfere with mine either." Last year I had to skip out on it; even when I stayed home with our daughter, I skipped out ongoing. I am not doing it this year.

He gets off the bed and runs his fingers through his hair, "I-I can't believe you!" he puts on his bed slippers and walks towards the door.

"Let me guess you suddenly have work to do now?"

"Don't worry about me and what I have to do, since that's how we are living right now. You do what you want; I am going to do what I want."

"Baby, you have always done what you want, so don't try turning this on me. I don't understand why you make a big deal when I have to do something for work. Meanwhile, I am the only one in this relationship that can keep up with the demands of my job and my family, never neglecting one for the other."

He turned and glared at me, "you did not just say that! I don't ever intentionally neglect you or Ae Ri!"

"But, you are admitting you do?"

"I am not having this conversation with you!" He storms out of the room and slams the door.

I let out a deep sigh and direct my eyes to the t.v., but I couldn't focus. I hated arguing with him, and a part of me wanted to cancel the trip, knowing that it was only going to make the rest of the week in this house a nightmare. Still, I need to stand my ground and do something I want. I have always done what he wants and why he acts like this when I don't do it his way.


As expected, the next day, Seokjin texted, letting me know he would be at work late and not to wait up. He later called and spoke to Ae Ri before she went to bed, which was four hours ago, it was now eleven pm, and he was not at home.

I spent most of my night boxing in my gym, trying to keep my mind sane. I knew he was doing this intentionally, and it was fucking ridiculous. I swear one of these days, he will push me over the edge, and I would hate for that to happen.

When my phone rings on the other side of the room, I turned down the music in the workout room and went to get it, frowning upon seeing it was Yoongi calling me.

"Hey man, what's up?" Yoongi and I spoke occasionally; we knew each other through our husbands.

"Not much. I was checking in if Jin's still at work; Jimin is telling me he is still at the office, and he is with Jin, but it's soon midnight-"

"They are working late. Jin is not home as yet either."

There is a pause on the line before I hear Yoongi let out a hissing noise, "I swear he is lucky I called you; I was about to drive over there to check the office."

My eyes widen at Yoongi's statement; he seemed annoyed and upset. "I can see why you would, but I know Jin told me yesterday they are working on a project, maybe that's why they are there so late, you know, but if you want, I will call Jin and let him know it's time to come home so Jimin can get home to you."

"That would be great; our youngest daughter isn't feeling well; I think she needs to go to the ER, but I can't leave the other ones by themselves to take her, and I need Jimin home. It's almost fucking midnight; he shouldn't be at work this late; I swear this the last time he does this shit. I never understand what the hell is so fucking important with their job!"

"I get it, Yoongi; I will connect with Jin and let him know. I promise Jimin will be home soon, you don't need to go there, and I am sorry to hear your daughter isn't doing well, hope she feels better soon." I hung up the phone and dial Jin's number instantly.


Seokjin's Pov:

"Jimin, please go home; it's late." I urged Jimin for the eleventh time.

He stares at me and pouts, "I am not leaving you here alone, so let's finish this, and then we can go together-"

I place my finger up to stop him from talking as Jungkook name flashed across my phone screen, "hello-"

"I don't care what it is you are doing; I need you in this house within the next hour." I was utterly taken back by Jungkook's tone; he was very firm with me on the phone that I couldn't say much in response to him as he hung right up.

"I need to go," I said, standing up and looking at Jimin.

Jimin looked at me, confused, "was that Jungkook?"

I shook my head while moving around the office to gather my stuff.

"I thought you were staying here until midnight-"

"No, I need to go home. He is mad."

"Wasn't that the point?" Jimin said, knowing part of the reason why I had stayed behind.

I looked at him and shake my head once more, "No, he is really upset. I need to go home. We can finish this up tomorrow; we have time to get it done before Friday. Please come in a bit later tomorrow if you need to; I am sure Yoongi is probably upset with me thinking I kept you here this late."

"Oh please, let him think whatever; he whines no matter what. That's why I had to turn off my phone earlier."

Grabbing my stuff, I walk towards where he was, "you shouldn't do that. No matter how upset you are with him, it would be best to keep your phone on, especially for emergencies. I don't ever turn off my phone, even if I am upset with Jungkook if something happens with Ae Ri, I know I wouldn't forgive myself, and neither would he. Now, go home, apologies to your husband for me, and I need to go home and deal with mines, he is upset, and if there is anything I hate is Jungkook when he is angry."

"Yeah, at least he is not crazy! Surprise Yoongs didn't walk up in here tonight, probably going to give me a mouthful about me being here so late, I wish sometimes I was single, no kids, I know you do too."

My eyes widen, and I shake my head, "No, not me. I do not wish to be single. I love my husband."

"You know what I mean, I love mines too, but they are so fucking annoying at times, you can't deny that."

"No, you are right, that I can agree on."

Diary of an Angry Husband | Jinkook ✔️Where stories live. Discover now