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Jin was stunned at Jungkook's lack of telling him he was going to go for treatment today, "why didn't you call me? I told you I want to go with you. Anyway, you don't look well, just lay down, I will shower, and then we can talk."

"It's not fair to ask you to handle so much, and you are supposed to be on bed rest. It's nothing to worry about; let's go to the bathroom. I'll keep you company while you shower." Jungkook walked towards the bathroom, not wanting Jin to say anything else.

As he walked to the bathroom, he felt dizzy and grabbed the doorframe, taking deep breaths to gather himself before sitting by the vanity in their bathroom.

Sadly, Jin was too busy gathering his towel and mumbling to himself about Jungkook's failure to inform him of the treatment that had taken place.

"It's not your concern to worry about what I need to handle. I will be at every appointment you have, starting with the next one you have. I am already angry that you kept this from me, so don't make me mad even more by refusing me the right to go with you. It is your health, Jungkook! In addition, I have not seen your medical records, and I would like to see them!" Jin said as he walked into the bathroom and stared at Jungkook, who was looking back at him.

Rather than fighting, Jungkook nodded, "okay, I have treatment at four tomorrow. Now, you said you met with the therapist today. How did it go? Was it helpful?"

After thinking about Jungkook's appointment, Jin wondered if he had anything planned for the next day at that time. He couldn't remember, but he made a note to check after his shower to reschedule anything that was scheduled.

"I will be there; make sure you give me all the details from tonight," Jin says while he stripped out of his clothes and went over to the bathroom sink to get his toothbrush.

As Jungkook stared at Jin, he replied, "Okay."

Jin turned and looked at Jungkook, "are you feeling okay? Be honest with me, please."

Smiling back at Jin, Jungkook nodded, "I am; why are you worried about me?"

"Yes, I am worried about you because I know you like to pretend, and this isn't the time to pretend with me. Currently, what is the stage you are in?" Jin spoke seriously to Jungkook because he could tell Jungkook sat and looked at him while pretending to be fine.

Jungkook got up from his seat and walked over to Jin, pulling Jin towards him; he hugged him tightly, "stop worrying yourself, you are pregnant, and have a lot of other things to worry about. I told you I am fine; it's stage two; with the treatment, everything will be fine for me."

He sighed and leaned upon Jungkook's shoulder, becoming emotional as he heard that Jungkook had reached stage two. While it didn't seem like much to Jungkook, for him, it was quite a concern. Not worrying was not an option. He had seen how quickly cancer could strike, having lost his aunt and cousin to it in a matter of six months from their diagnosis.

As Jin sniffled, Jungkook rubbed his hands along his back, leaning down; he kissed Jin's temple, "Stop crying, I'm going to be alright. Since I've started the treatments, I've seen a lot of progress, but it's tiring having to go five times a week. That's maybe why you think I don't look okay."

"I can't lose you." Jin lets out, "what am I supposed to do without you if something happens to you?"

"I promise you I will not die, and you will not lose me, Seokjin. Staying here with you, Ae Ri, and our baby is my top priority. You need to trust me as a doctor that I know what's going on with my body and that I would tell you if there was an immediate concern. As much as I'm concerned about my health, I'm more concerned about fixing us. I wouldn't like us to have another child and be where we are right now; there is still a lot we need to work on."

In the end, Jin lifted his head, staring at Jungkook in a determined tone, and said: "I promise you, and Ae Ri, I will start working towards doing better as a husband and as a father. After going to therapy today, I realized I need to continue going to her - it's hard for me to explain what I felt today after seeing her, but I really need to keep seeing her."

In response, Jungkook smiled, "then you should keep seeing her if it's going to help you and us. Honestly, the thought of us going through a divorce makes me sick to my stomach, but I cannot stay with you while you choose work over us. It's great you love your job, and you love us too, but too often, it takes priority over us, and I'm sick of you checking your calendar before committing to anything with me."

Jin thought back to the assessment he had been given, and his anxiety kicked in as he struggled with the idea that he might be a workaholic. Though he could not see himself as such, his main reason for choosing work was not because he had a choice but also because of the demands. However, he now understands that it wasn't fair for him to expect his family to always understand how things went with his work.

"I am sorry for making you or Ae Ri feel this way. I didn't mean it at all. It seems I took advantage of our marriage without realizing it. From now on, you don't have to worry about me making you feel less than important -- that's a pledge I genuinely mean. I just ask you to not give up on us or me and do not purposely think I choose work over you or our daughter."

Jungkook stared at Jin and wiped away the tears from his eyes, "I am not pressuring you to change overnight, but little changes, like what you have been doing when you took Ae Ri those weekends, it makes me happy to see it because she is happy and now looks forward to spending time with you. The therapist is a good thing for you because there is so much you don't see about you and work, and you might get upset if we discuss it."

"What do you mean?"

"Despite what you think, Seokjin, you are hypersensitive when it comes to discussing work and you, even being defensive at times, but let's not discuss that now because you are naked and need to shower." Jungkook didn't want to have this conversation with Jin tonight as he didn't want to say anything that would flare Jin up and cause any stress, as it wouldn't be good for either of them.


A/N: To fully absorb this book, a certain level of maturity is required. The process doesn't happen in an overnight fix, so as much as some may want to see an instant change and rush of happiness. That is far from an accurate expectation, and while this is a fanfic, I chose to progress the characters in a way that helps with their development. Thanks for all the reads and love for this book! I hope you continue to enjoy it!

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