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The week rushes right past me. For the most part, I stayed in my room all day reorganizing and decorating. I had to stock up the bookshelf and then order some shoes online. On days where I days nothing to do, I asked Frank to help me get ahead of things. He gave me a binder or logs and files on people to study and know. I spent hours a day trying to memorize these names and faces, but I am lucky to have a brain that absorbs people easily.

My eyes scan the paper and stop at the name Stone.
The Stone Family.

Jacob and Emelia Stone, and their son, Malachi Stone.
There is so much about them and their benefit to my grandfather.

Tax frauds. Tax frauds. Tax frauds.

Who knew accountants can be so helpful?

I learn that Malachi is the first-born and the only child. He is turning twenty-one in a couple of months, which was not the age I expected him to be. He is three years older than me. I read over his education, the college he went to/ is going to, the business he runs under his father, with who he is in touch. He has everything anyone can ever dream of.

Everything I have ever dreamed of.

Frank clears his throat, "You have been lingering on this page for far too long now,"

I turn to him, "What do you know about Malachi, Franky,"

He makes a face at the nickname but takes a moment to think.

"I know as much as his bodyguards know. You know, we communicate and talk about the families we oversee. Apparently, his father has been abusive towards him ever since he was a child. The mother never really cared to stop her husband from beating the boy black and blue. The marriage seems stable, but the family needs therapy,"

I cringe at the thought of another abusive father. I would feel bad for Malachi if he wasn't an arrogant pimp. However, I see why hate would be a drive for the position to be the heir of the mafia group.

He can get away with anything.

He has the power to overthrow the overbearing authoritative father he has.

At least that's one way to deal with it.

I continue to the Kinsman family, who have a son and a daughter. The oldest, Cole, is the other contender for the spot. He has dark hair and bright green eyes, almost artificial-looking. He lacks a steady education; he dropped out of college after two years and travels to spare time. The traveling has helped him learn five different languages, however, and that is useful for international trading and meetings.

I move on to the Michealsons, the Johnsons, Andersons, Blackwells, and Parkers. The top wealthiest families in London are all involved in a crime-infested organization. Who would have thought? While they practice philanthropy during the day, they would also be snorting cocaine by night.

Eat the rich, at this point.

Frank and I are back at the mall.

Yes, I do not learn my lesson after the first two times of bumping into Malachi to stay away from this place, but it has been a few days, so what are the odds of us meeting again.

Not zero, but it is low.

I had to go into Ulta for some skincare products. The ones back home are not what I am supposed to be using for my type of skin. I had to teach myself the arts of makeup and beauty through many YouTube videos because my mom was always busy trying to keep a roof over our heads by working two jobs. I never had the chance to "learn to be a woman". I wouldn't say I am boyish because why would anyone want to be a man, but I am out of touch with my femininity.

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