Italy Chapters:45

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"Can you slow down?!" Elias yells after me.

The front door slams closed as I make my way to my room.
I can hear his quick footsteps making their way up the stairs, calling my name.

I step inside the bedroom I have stayed in for about three weeks now and slam the folder I have been holding tightly on the vanity table. I rush into the closet and begin to take out the clothes I have, placing them on the bed.

"Oh my God. Tempest! Can you just stop for one second and tell me what's going on?" Elias says, walking into the room to see what I am doing.

"I need to leave tomorrow. Call whoever and get that ready for me," I order. I have no reason to act like I want to stay here. I am trying my best to hold back the volcanic explosion of flames. I have never felt this angry in my life. I have had many episodes of hot-tempered rage, but this is something that makes you question your sanity. I am on the brink of losing it all.

"Sure, whatever you want, but can you," he grabs my arm before I enter the closet again, "can you take a breath and tell me what has you this frantic,"

I look at his worrisome eyes, as he pleads for an explanation.
I take a deep breath, a breath of sanity that is holding me together. I shouldn't take my anger out on someone who isn't at fault.

Wait. Wait. wait. wait.
I look at Elias again.
He knows.

I snatch my arm off, "You... you asshole," I gasp, "You know, don't you?"

"What are you talking about?!" he takes a step towards me, "Can you explain-"

"You said you know everything about me... You said you did your research about me, so you must know about my history, about why my father became an addict, about my grandfather, about everything..." I blurt out, not really caring whether he knows or not because he will find out regardless.

But the shock on his face says it all.
The slight step back he took, the part of his mouth, it tells. He knew this whole time. They all knew. Is that why they were all so quick to be kind? Why they all treated me like family with no question?

"Oh my God," I run my hand through my hair, "You all put on theatrics and made me feel welcomed when it's really out of pity,"

"No, Tempest. It's not like that-" he begins to explain.

"You all knew about this whole facade of a life I have been living... " I whisper, losing my voice to the anger I suppress.

Elias squeezes his eyes shut for a second, then looks at me, "Tempest, I wasn't allowed to tell you anything. You have to believe me at the very least. I couldn't blatantly tell you about something this heavy, it's not my place,"

I start zoning out of his words.
Everyone around me knew, except for me. I knew absolutely nothing about the manipulation I underwent for the past nine years of my life.

I sit at the edge of the bed, no longer having the strength to stay strong.
Tears slide down my face one by one, and I don't care if Elias sees.
I sob into my hands, the voices in my head beg me to stop.

I feel his hands on my shoulders pulling me to his chest. I push him away, but he grabs my arms and pulls me to him. I continue to push him away, but he takes my hits as I finally crumble into his arms.

He smooths my hair, as I hold his shirt in my fists and cry and scream and sob. He apologizes a thousand times, but the sincere words don't change a thing. I have been played. I have been a pawn.

"What did I do to deserve this?" I cry, "Why can't I have something good, just for once"

Elias's arms tighten around me, "I am sorry, I am so sorry you have to find out like this, love,"

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