Chapter 34

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These past seven hours have been the most hell I have been through in a long time. How fast did things go from hanging out at Cole's house to the girl I lov- LIKE half alive in my hands. It was just a normal day. A sunny day, in fact after days of rain. I was so excited to see Cole after him being gone traveling again. We were having a normal, chill guys' day.

Then we get a call with Liv screaming bloody murder.
Then I get a call from Julian, strange as that is, telling me that Tempest had a breakdown episode and stormed out. I was going to ask why he was with her, to begin with.

So I call her.
I call her over and over and over again.
I start panicking. Cole is already alerting everyone, trying to find his sister. I call Frank, who starts panicking with me. Mr. Moore was supposed to arrive this afternoon, and now his granddaughter is missing.

We all gathered at the Moore Mansion to track Tempest's car, thinking she must be going to find Liv. Tempest answers her phone momentarily, saying she heard about Liv and hangs up. Then Liv calls, crying and telling us she has been dropped off in the middle of the city... and she tells us about Tempest, how she was beaten right in front of her. how she went unconscious and how she was bleeding so much.

Cole went to Liv.
Frank and I, along with bodyguards went to find Tempest. 
The time seemed to be moving so fast, and all the possibilities of Tempest's safety went down the drain. I went brain dead, my whole body shaking with fury and concern. When we arrive, I was forced to stay behind to assure my safety, in the least.

There were bloodstains at the entry, and I prayed that Tempest didn't lose that much blood. 
And she didn't, she walked out shaken up and bruised, but very much alive. She was alive, and I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. When her face was buried in my arms and I felt her heartbeat against me, it felt like heaven on earth.

I got my Angel back.

Now we are sitting outside her hospital room, as she rests. The doctors were very strict and prohibited us to enter, afraid that her stress levels will increase along with her blood pressure. Tempest is strong because she came out with only external damage of bruises, but nothing was broken or terminally damaged. 

Cole stays with Liv in the other room.
Frank and Mr. Moore are talking around the corner.
I stand by the window, looking into Tempest's room as she sleeps peacefully. They had to drug her. She was in and out of consciousness, frantic and terrified. I never want to see her like this again. I am too used to seeing her shine, but as I lifted her out of the car and into the hospital, I noticed tear stains of her silent cries. 

It's heartbreaking.
and tormenting.

Because I don't know anything.
I don't who did this or why they did this.
I just feel the aftermath of their actions. The number of times I came close to having panic attacks is unspeakable. Breathing became a hard and heavy task. My mind was eating me alive with paranoia. 

Tempest stirs in the hospital bed, her eyes squeezing shut before they open and adjust to the fluorescent lights in the room. I place my hand on the window, knock lightly to get her attention.

Her head turns.
Her eyes. her eyes, oh the wonders of the world are hidden in her eyes because I can finally breathe. and when she watches me rest my head against the cold glass that keeps us separated, I wonder how I am to hold her again with all that has happened. All eyes will be on her, every hour and every second, according to Mr. Moore, which means there is no more sneaking around, no more whispers and innocent blazing touches and stolen kisses in the darkness. 

No more us in secret. Only us coexisting in the world.
No more potential lovers. Only pretend enemies. 
And it feels like a bullet to the chest because all I want to do right now is slide in next to her and lay my head against her beating heart, as we always did. How strange that she comforts me always instead of the other way around. And even now, that's all I want. I want her to tell me she is okay and she is alive and will be well and everything will be okay.

SHE (Book #1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora