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***Tempest POV***

"I will be right back, Gramps," I say. 
When I stand, I feel all eyes watching my every move.
It makes my skin crawl.
I slip through the side door so I can finally catch to air. 

I walk down the hall and around the corner to Frank.
I knock on the door three times before one of the other guards opens it.

"Anything so far?" I ask taking a seat next to him.

"There is a whole lot," He slips his headphone off, "You are literally in every single conversation. We are recording it and saving it to the cloud so we can get everything we missed. All of this will be done and reported to you by tomorrow, I assume," he looks around the room for assurance, and the guards nod.

"Thank you guys so much," I get up and slip out of the room, making sure the hallway is empty. 

I can't believe these people have the audacity to talk so much while I am barely twenty feet away from them. I cannot wait to read the reports tomorrow. 

I can't help but smile to myself. I am quite the clever gal.

When I turn the corner, I didn't expect to find someone standing there.
I didn't expect to find him there.
There he is. 
Malachi Stone.

I am guessing it has already begun. My completion meets me at last. He looks a bit lost but walks towards me. I don't plan on him turning this corner, so I meet him halfway. 

I stand about two feet away from him, not feeling as short as the last time.
He is taking too long to speak.
The silence circles around us, only to crash at the sound of our breaths.
I see the way he is looking at me, and I can't figure out why he is staring for so long.
So I stare back.

"Miss Moore," he breathes.

"Mr. Stone,"

"Tempest," he says my name in a way I have never heard. with interest. with relief. with a liking, "Finally. That's one hell of a name you got there, why did you keep it hidden from me?"

I didn't hide my name, I just didn't want him to know. I don't owe it to him, especially after finding out he was supposed to be one of the two people who take on to be the heir. He could have shot and killed me after finding out I was a Moore. I was looking out for myself. 

"I didn't want to ruin the surprise,"

I also didn't want to be hunted, but I am guessing it wouldn't be smart to say that out loud. I watch him extend his hand in front of me, a kind gesture of formality.

"It's nice to meet you, at last," Is he really glad to meet me? Does he not realize what my existence is going to do to his life? What games is he playing here? 

I take his hand into mine and assert quite a grip, "Likewise, Mr. Stone," I try to let go of his hand, but he holds on. Is he trying to psych me out? 
I snatch my hand out of his grasp.
I am confused by this behavior. He seems so dazed, so out of it. His face starts turning into a light shade of pink.

"I should get going," I need to get out of here before Frank finds me alone with him. I don't want to get into more trouble.

"Allow me to escort you?" he lends his arm to me.

I think about laughing. Does his mind not work properly? It's bad enough that he is out in this hallways with me, alone. If he escorts me, arm in arm, everyone will suspect something. Not to mention, Gramps will be furious. It will look like I am already swooning over a "sweet gentleman such as himself". 

"I don't need you to escort me. I can make it there on m own," I walk right past him, hoping he doesn't sense the anger rising in me.

I walk back inside, causing the attention to return to me. I see the food is already being served and everyone is enjoying themselves. I find my seat back beside Gramps and use my table manners, as I have been taught. The whole time, I make sure not to smile too much or seem somewhat approachable.

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