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****Malachi POV****

We all start to settle down in our seats as we see Mr. Moore head up to the podium. I like his suit very much, the fabric really absorbed the black color, and the touch of a red handkerchief. Marvelous.

"I wonder why we are here?" Olivia says, sitting next to her brother Cole.

"We have some theories, but it's confidential stuff," Cole replies to her, "I kind of have a bad feeling about this, though,"

I nod in agreement as I sip some wine, on an empty stomach. The dinner hasn't quite started, but the alcohol has been distributed already.

The microphone squeaks as Mr. Moore picks it up, "Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. It has been quite some time since we all have gathered here. I am very excited to see you all here tonight," he clears his throat, "As you all may have heard, I lost my firstborn daughter, Leila, to terminal cancer just a couple months ago. Although I have not seen her for most of her life, I was deeply troubled to hear of her death,"

I watch as he masks his pain. The room becomes gloomy all of the sudden. I don't know what I expect him to say, though. I don't know what I expect from this dinner at all.

I look across the room, where my parents sit. It is normal for the children of each wealthy house to sit together rather than with their parents. 

"I am getting bored," Cole lets out a yawn and stretches his back.

"I am just waiting for the good part," I reply whisper.

I see him pull out his phone and start texting.
I wish I could easily do that, but I know all eyes are on me. I can't act out of character or I will lose everything I worked hard for.
I tune back into the speech.

"-again. However, there are has been something I haven't shared with you all. Something I didn't deem to be of importance at the time, but now... it has come to affect us, positively." My attention peaks as I tap Cole so he too can listen, "So it is my honor to introduce someone I hold dear to my heart. Someone who I hope you welcome with open arms," that sounds like a command rather than a request.

We hear the double door being pulled open. Everyone turns their attention to the person standing. 

I hear gasps.

"Holy shit," I hear Cole say, as he leans forward.

"Woah, who is that?" I hear Liv ask.

I can't help but gawk at her eccentric fashion and beauty. My eyes wander down her body. The stormy grey color of her matching suit blazer, tie, and skirt. My eyes stop at the garter on her thigh that peeks right above her long red bottom boots. I notice the leather gloves on her hands, as her arms sway at her side.

I notice. I notice. I notice.
I like.
It is physically difficult to peel my eyes away from her.

She doesn't look like the girl I was messing around with at the mall. She looks cold, icy, killer. She looks fierce. 

but God, she is breathtaking. so painfully breathtaking. so shamefully breathtaking. so infuriatingly breathtaking. 

I hate it. I hate it. I hate it. 

I watch her walk up the steps and join Mr. Moore.
The next words destroy me.

"This is my granddaughter, the only child of Leila, and my only worthy heiress," these words pierce through the crowd and everyone goes silent.

My father turns to me and gives me a look.
I know what that look means.

The microphone is handed over to the girl, who still hasn't introduced. What is it with introductions? Jeez, give us a name. A name to search you by, to investigate your sudden up coming into my world, trying to take my place.

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