Italy Chapters:41

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I have been everywhere and anywhere I ask for the past week, and Elias managed to make it happen. I have not been bored a second of any of the days we were out, touring the beautiful places and eating some of the best cuisines. I went shopping with his sister, Elena, who was desperate for a break from her sons. I was intimidated to be with her because, to be honest, the whole family is intimidating.

Not only are they strikingly gorgeous, but have so much confidence in their walk and their voice. I was invited to have dinner again, telling them about London and my life back home. They tell me they would like to visit sometime, and I should host their stay. Mr. Romano seems to adore me, telling me how he is amazed at my intelligence and strength at such a young age. I almost tear up every time. It feels good to have someone be proud of you.

And they shower me with gifts. too many brand names I can't even pronounce correctly. I tried declining and almost got a scolding from Mrs. Romano, saying if she ever heard me decline a gift from the family she will personally end my life. Then she kissed my cheek and told me I was beautiful. I was terrified but comforted.

It's an adventure every day.
Elias and I have gotten comfortable with living with each other for the time being, though we barely spend too much time at home.

But when we do, it's fun. It's light and easy. Full of laughter and no worries about the next day because we lived today. Sometimes I forget we haven't known each other long, though he makes it seem like he has known me forever.

"It's your turn," he says, a bit frustrated looking t his deck of cards.

I put down my final card down, "Uno out!!! Sucker," I point and laugh as he smacks the cards down. This is the fifth time we have played Uno and he has lost every single time.

"You're a cheater, just admit it," he says as he cleans up his mess. He checks his watch, "Isn't it past your bedtime anyway?"

I throw a pillow from the couch at his face, "You can't treat me like a child every time you lose, Elias. Just admit your defeat and sleep peacefully,"

He rolls his eyes and mocks my words, "Whatever,"

I stretch out on the couch and text Olivia back from earlier. Great news, Julian has asked her out on a date and she is having a hard time choosing what to wear. I wish I was there with her, doing what girls do, giggling about boys and whatnot. Instead, I am stuck with a man-child who throws a fit when he loses at uno.

Elias takes on the couch, almost sitting on my feet. He picks them up places them on his lap, turning his attention to the TV. I look up from my phone at the unbothered expression on his face as he looks straight at the TV.

I am wearing socks, luckily because I HATE what people touch my feet. That's so gross. Still, it's weird he would do something like this.

"Stop staring at me, you'll hurt your eyes," he smiles, not glancing my way at all.

I scoff in response and go back to texting.
I look through the pictures from the past week.
From the exploring on their family yacht to rooftop dinners. Everything was extravagant.
If I am being honest, I enjoyed the smaller activities Elias dragged me to do, like watch a movie at the cinema or going to the beach. It was peaceful and quiet.

I put my phone down on the table, only to realize Elias has been watching me this whole time. "What?"I ask.

He purses his lips, then carefully asks me a question, "Do you like it here?"

I give him a suspicious look, "If I say I do, are you gonna like force me to stay forever?"

He chuckles, hands glide across my leg, "No, you idiot. I was hoping you weren't uncomfortable staying with me. I was going to move you to a hotel if you weren't adjusting,"

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