Chapter 48

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As if I wasn't already struggling with my life. As if I wasn't already going through the worst experience of my life. As if I didn't just suffer a mental breakdown after the woman I love left me.
My mother ends up in the hospital.

It's barely been a week since I first saw Tempest after she returned. Barely a week for me to heal from her harsh words and dramatic exit from my life. I haven't even began to deal with that yet. I've been wrecked by her words, the storm she brew is everlasting.

My father called me this morning, telling me my mom has been admitted into the hospital after suffering a seizure. I wasn't completely sober from the night before, but I managed to make it here. My mother lays on the hospital bed, looking unusually pale. My father talks to the doctors trying to get entail on her condition. She cannot afford to go under any more serious procedures.

I wish everything would slow down for one second, at least until the ringing in my ear stops and I can finally see more than blurred faces. It's unreal how much things have changed within the past couple of weeks. How quickly i fell back into old habits that i thought i was long over. how much i lost. I can barely recognize myself in the mirror. I look full and lifeless, like art with no meaning or a diamond with no shine.

I quietly laugh at myself, trying not to disturb my resting mother.

Even in a situation like this my mind wanders to Tempest.


How did she find out? How did she find out about the intentions I once HAD?

I could have prevented all of this. I really could have. I could have told her from the minute I knew I was falling for her... I could have told her the truth and we wouldn't have suffered. We could have trusted each other. Instead, I lead things in for too long , thinking it would all work out on its own. Tempest is too smart and too quick, however. She doesn't stick around waiting for the trigger to be pulled, hoping the aim is off. Tempest doesn't risk herself, she protects herself, and I saw the way her eyes reflected pain. I saw her hurt for the first time, at the betrayal she experienced from me. That's was why I confessed to her before she could leave, because I would never utter the word love if i hadn't meant it.

I'm in love with her.
I think I always was.

But there is no point in trying anymore. She left with final words and a closure I cannot handle. I know she could have felt the same if it weren't for my stupidity. She could have finally let me in and felt the love she deserved, but no. no. no. Things never go according to plan in reality, do they?

I carefully step out of the hospital room, searching for my father. I want to know how serious things may be. I need to take all the bad news now.

I spot him, seated with his head in his hands.

my heart drops

"Dad? What is it? Is it bad?" I ask, taking a seat next to him.

He takes a shaky breath, "No, she will be fine..." but he doesn't seem fine at all. His eyes are bloodshot and his whole body rocks back and forth as he rakes his hair repeatedly. I have never seen him this stressed before, and I assume he is lying. I am about to ask him again about my mom's health when I catch a glance at the papers besides.

The title reads in bold: "Divorce Papers"

"What the fuck is that?" I say, reaching over and scanning through it.

I skim over the many agreements and bullet points that list the laws of divorce and reasons. My heart is racing. This is the second time I have seen divorce papers, but this time, my mother's name is signed big at the end. I look at the highlighted statements.

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