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***Malachi POV***

I have been dazed.
I let days and time slip through my hands.
It's all because of her.

"I thought things were going well, but then suddenly, she didn't want to see me without any excuses," Liv frowns.

"She is probably busy, Liv. I bet she has a lot of work to do, not everyone has a career for looking good," Cole pats her head.

"I hope she is okay. I actually think she is genuine enough to be a real friend," she looks off into the distance.

Liv has always struggled to find people who like her for who she is rather than what she has. Her face is on billboards and magazines, and everyone wants to be known as her friend. No one actually takes their time to know her.

It seems that Cole is the only one of us who isn't affected by Tempest's existence.
He sits and comforts his heartbroken sister.

I want to tell them what I witnessed that night.
How I almost witnessed her kill someone without a second thought.
How I saw her strength.
Her anger.

All in self-defense, of course.
She has some training.
My father has completely underestimated her.

"Kai, why are you so quiet?" Cole eyes me, "You've been acting weird these past couple of days, bro. Are you okay?"

I turn my attention to Liv, "You want to go and visit Tempest with me?"

Cole sits up from where he is laying down, "What the hell is with you people and Tempest? What am I missing here?"

Liv's face lights up, "Yeah, when?"

"Right now," I grab my keys from the table.

"Are you guys out of your minds? What did she do to you? What magic did she lure you with?" he follows me and Liv.

"She is just super chill," Liv responds.

I open the passenger door for her. Cole gets in the back seat. We all barely say anything the whole ride to the Moore Mansion. We have nothing to say and nothing prepared. We just show up, walking up the stairs, and knocking on the door.

A housekeeper opens it and lets us inside. We wait patiently for her to get Tempest. Liv rubs her hands on her legs, while Cole sits cooly on the couch.

Tempest descends down the stairs.
Step by step.
Each step causes my heart to beat more rapidly.
I am at loss for words again.

She meets my eyes first.
I can see no emotion in them.

"Good afternoon," she says softly.

Liv stands, "Hey,"

Cole salutes her with two fingers.
I just stare.
Like an idiot.

She breaks into a smile, "What brings you here," she takes a seat across from us, gesturing for Liv to sit as well.


We all start at the same time, and Tempest looks at us, mouth hung open. "I can only imagine that seriousness if all of you are talking at the same time," she speaks lightly, delicately.

"No, nothing serious. I- We- Kai and I were just wondering where you have been. You disappeared all of the sudden and canceled our plans," Liv fidgets with her hand.

Tempest turns to me, then Liv, "I caught a cold. I didn't want to trouble you all or give you guys a sickness,"

"That's very considerate, T" Cole says.

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