Italy Chapters: 39

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***Will be in Tempest POV until Further notice****

The intercom buzzes every fifteen minutes, but I am still in bed. It isn't until there is a loud knocking on the door that I actually sit up.

"Are you CRAZY? You were supposed to be up an hour ago," Frank says, Lucy and Mrs. Margaret following in after him.

"Why are you so loud?" I groan, leaving the comfort of my warm bed and heading into the bathroom.

I hear some whispering and quick chatter as I wash up. My eyes are a bit puffy and the dark bags are designer. Not a lot of people can have Gucci bags under their eyes. I barely slept. I was conflicted and concerned. The Malachi situation has been solved, but it leaves me more disappointed than relieved. Anxiety kept me up until three in the morning, now it's half-past six. Elias should be arriving soon.

I can never stand next to that man looking like this. I look like I fought a bear and lost, but at least my hair is still looking well. I tie it back and continue with my face routine. When I exit the bathroom, my bed is already made and my luggage is gone. along with everyone else.

I head into the closet. Should I dress up? Would Elias expect me to look presentable at this hour?
Why would I care what he thinks? We weren't all born looking like Greek gods. I envy him so much already.

I take out my matching sweatpants and t-shirts that read "ANGELIC" with devil horns. I liked the irony because I for one am... Ironic. I look in the mirror.
"You look better in dark colors" he had said. Here I am looking like I am about to attend a funeral. Black is such a great color, but no one talks about it. I grab my sunglasses, though the sun is barely up, my morning face looks aggressive today. I make sure my purse contains all the important travel documents and bid farewell to my bedroom.

Downstairs, everyone waits for me. All eyes look up as they hear my footsteps descending the stairs.

"What in God's name are you wearing?" I see the tinted version of Frank talking to me as I go to sit next to my grandfather.

Mrs. Margret is laughing silently, "I cannot... Renee is going to love this," Renee meaning her wife, who adores me without ever meeting me. Gramps laughs as I fold my arms across my chest.

"You look like you just died," he says. I smile, as everyone else does. I understand they are trying to be light-hearted despite the situation I am in. They want me to not worry, to feel at ease. I can only hope there is a valid reason for this trip that doesn't involve anyone getting hurt. I owe these people so much.

Lucy walks in with iced coffee in her hands, and she hands it to me, "For you, Miss Moore,"

"Lucy, you are a lifesaver, an angel on earth," I take it and begin sipping away.

"Shouldn't you eat breakfast first?" Frank asks.

I shake my head, "I feel nauseous. The last thing I want to do is throw up on an expensive plane,"

We all get carried away in conversations, talking about how the summer season is always great in Italy, how it's less polluted than London, how the scenery is wonderful, the beaches, the activities, the shopping places. I am surely excited for all of those things, to tour one of the most beautiful countries.

The doorbell rings, and we all get up. The room is suddenly heavy. Men come in and take my things to the car. I turn to the people I secretly call my family.

I hug them one by one.
My gramps places a kiss on my forehead and smiles deeply. Tells me to call and update him on my stay.
Frank hugs me, tells me the house will be too quiet without my constant cursing about how there is no coffee or without my temper tantrums.
Mrs. Margret tells me she will miss our conversations, and plots to take down the patriarchy.

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