Chapter 29

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"I don't think this is a good idea, angel," Malachi says as he pulls up to the tattoo shop, "If everyone is against it, I don't think I should be an accomplice,"

"Oh, we will be fine. I think it's time I push some buttons anyways. Be the rebellious teen I never got to be," I smile at the light-up Open sign.

Am I being defiant? Yes, but what's new.
I think getting a tattoo is a wonderful idea to enhance my image. Make me look a bit tougher. A bit more villainous.

Well, I am certainly not the hero, more of a vigilante.
And I have been sleepless the past few days, thinking of a way to get Mr. Stone to cooperate. I have finally found it. There is only one way to solve a conflict in serious times.

Over food.
over a meal.

So... I am planning on hosting a dinner.
In about two weeks.

The invitation will be sent out soon. All the families are invited, but not their children. Only the parents. The dinner will be a kind gesture from me, and since I already know which families are most likely against me, I just want to pinpoint whose support I have and their honest opinions on a female mafia leader. With that information, I only gain constructive criticism, and possibly a headache.

From then on, Frank and I have a trip.
To Italy.

Malachi and I enter the shop, passing multiple rooms. A young lady approaches us and takes us to a private room and we wait for the tattoo artist.

"Don't be nervous, okay. Just sit there and breathe. Try not to look at the needle," Malachi says, sitting in one of the chairs.

"I am not nervous, I am excited-" the door to the room opens.

I stop midsentence.

"Kai, how have you been?" the tall, young man who walks in greets him and they have a small talk before he settles in his seat and rolls over to where I am.

He stops to look at me, and smiles, "I'm Julian,"

"Tempest," I say.

He has hypnotizing grey eyes, with only a dash of blue. Jet black hair, overgrown but styled to suit him perfectly. body like a canvas covered in ink and art. a golden nose ring on his nose and diamonds on his ear. He dresses in the darkest and prettiest black clothing as if he is mourning. It is a contrast to his skin.

He notices me observing him but doesn't call me out on it, "So what we are we doing today?" he asks, preparing his materials.

"This is my first time getting a tattoo, so would it be a jump if I just got this," I show him a picture on my phone.

"Oh, um... That's going to take a while, and I wouldn't recommend a skeletal tattoo outlining your hand for the first time experience," he says, "But maybe something smaller, then we will see how you react,"

"Okay, well here are some smaller works,"

I want the tattoos on my hand. Somewhere visible. Somewhere where everyone can see. Margret will surely kill me, but it has to be done. I like to get what I want.

Julian nods and takes my hand to start the first one, "Just keep your hand here, and let me do the rest,"

He moves carefully around me.
First tattoo, a daisy on my middle finger. My mother loved daisies.

He draws an outline on my finger, before picking up his tattooing instrument.

I feel the prickle of the needle bleed ink into my skin. For a second, I have to bite down on my lip to keep from wincing at the pain. But as he continued, I began to strangely like the feeling. My mind begins to buzz.

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