Italy Chpaters:42

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Breakfast is extremely awkward and silent.
Elias and I sit on opposite ends of the table, glaring at each other in between bites. The tension swarms the dining room, looming over our shoulders. Dead silent, the sound of utensils hitting the plate and the gulp of water every now and then.

I watch him tap his fingers against the table, the sound agitating my nerves. I can barely focus on my own thoughts. I stare at my hands, black polished nails still in the best condition. I count my fingers, allowing myself to regain focus on my train of thought.

"You have ten fingers. Were you expecting more?" his voice stops my continuous counting. I was just beginning to calm down, too.

I don't respond. I pick up my fork and continue eating the final bites of my food. He laughs to himself and mumbles something. I know he is just trying to purposely get on my nerves again. trying to replicate last night's argument.

I realize he was never meant to be a friend, anyway. Just an acquaintance. I am clearly here to get a final apology from his Uncle, and then I am free to go back to the life that never knew the name Elias Romano.

Fucking asshole. Who the hell exposes someone's past with no warning? all so suddenly as if I wasn't going to react horribly. I want to jab this fork in his pretty hand.

"I barely said anything and you are angry," he shakes his head at me in disapproval, "It's not good for your blood pressure, darling,"

I slammed my fork down, sending a thunderous shaking across the table. The water inside the glass container sways.

Elias rolls his eyes, unbothered.
I push my chair out, lean my hands against the table, "Don't call me darling,"

He proceeds to smirk at the sight in front of him, "or else, what? You're gonna yell at me," his perfect teeth bit his bottom lip, as he raises a brow waiting for me to answer. He makes it clear that he is entertained. He isn't afraid.

I fling my fork in his direction, missing by an inch, "Stop mocking me with that face, you asshole," I walk away from the table, too upset at my reaction to even stay and curse him out the way I would have liked.

I hear him call my name, in a joking way. Making a mockery of my name.
I hear footsteps coming up the stairs, as I make my way into my room.

"Come one, don't be like that," he calls after me, "Let's just talk about this for a second, like grown adults,"

I slide my door closed only for him to pry it open. So much for privacy in this place. I take a seat by my vanity table, hoping he gets the message that I don't want to talk about anything with him.

I hear the door slide closed, and panic.
This is inappropriate of him. Trapping a girl in her own room.

"Tempest, turn around," he commands.

"And if I don't?" I stare out the window, tapping my foot on the ground.

There is no response.
Elias walks over to the window and closes the curtains, dimming the room a bit. He stands in front of me as I look all over the room. His height is amplified since I am sitting down, and I feel inferior.

"Look at me, and let's talk," there is a moment of silence.

I glance up at him, "Unless you are apologizing for the way you spoke to me, I don't want to discuss anything,"

He scoffs, "You want me to apologize for telling you things about yourself that you already knew. Are you fucking serious, right now?"

I nod, "I am fucking serious, Elias. It is not and will never be your place to talk to me about my past. Who are you? Who do you think you are to expect things from me? To want better for me? All you are is a bit sadistic, enjoying my anger for whatever reasons,"

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