Chapter 27

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"No, you are not getting a tattoo," Mrs. Margret, who now allows me to call her Margret, says, "You are too young and it's such an awful thing to do to your skin. Besides, a lady of society is not to have tattoos. You want to be a good representation, don't you?"

I am so tired of hearing everyone deny me my rights. I should be allowed to get a tattoo. I am not a minor, I think it's a form of art and self-expression to get a tattoo, and since then have I ever been a good representative to society. Did we forget how I introduced myself in a suit and tie while wearing a garter?

"I love your opinion and respect them, but no one is stopping me," I say from my table. I close the book in front of me realizing time has flown by. I am late by an hour and a half.

"Tempest, I am telling you not to do this. It's a painful experience," she stands before me, a concerned look in her eyes. so motherly.

I raise my brow and give her a naughty smile, "Who says I don't enjoy pain,"

She lightly hits my arm and laughs, "You dirty girl, don't talk like that. So disturbing," We both laugh together.

I told her what happened at the meeting, how they all talked me down. I want to rebel, over and over to prove I am not some child. I know what I am doing and I should be given the opportunity to work on my skills. Frank and I have been waiting to get more information on Mr. Stone, still having a hard time accessing private files without my grandfather knowing.

The whole tattoo conversation came up when I remembered Malachi. How we are supposed to meet at his place today. Gramps left for Manchester earlier and won't be back until this weekend or next Monday at the latest. But I remembered Malachi's tattoos. how they give him the image of the rebel, bad boy. not to mention the ear piercings. He looks like your typical hot mafia leader.

Meanwhile, I am a short, smooth-skinned, untatted, and unpierced girl, trying to prove that I'm not something to look at, I am something to be afraid of. I feel like Mr. Stone is very influential on Gramps, always whispering in his ear. Ughh. Men. Always the root of my problems.

"Well, I must get going, my dear. I am cooking tonight," Margret heads to the door, "Please if you end up getting a tattoo, make sure it's somewhere people cannot see,"

"Then what's the point," I roll my eyes.

She winks and walks out.
I start rushing to get my things. I check my phone and see all his missed calls from when I was studying with Margret. I curse under my breath and call him back. It goes straight to voicemail.

I carefully head downstairs with my keys and a small bag in my hand.
I scurry to the door, realizing Frank should be back any minute now from-

"And where are you going?" Shit.

I turn around, Frank stands with his arms crossed, "Franky doodle, how are you this fine evening?"

"Tempest," he says my name. I feel like we are all on first-name bases these days. And I feel a sense of friendship with the people around me.

"Yes?" my hand doesn't leave the doorknob. I really need to leave. It's been almost two weeks since I saw Malachi away from prying eyes. I don't miss him, because that's unlike me. I do miss the space that he and I created for each other, however.

"Don't stay out too long. We have somewhere to be tomorrow, okay?" Frank smiles, finally breaking the terrifying tension. I let out a breath of relief before saying goodbye.

Frank doesn't trust Malachi, not even in the slightest sense. I can see why considering our recent discoveries about his father. It's not that I trust Malachi, but it's different in my circumstance. I have seen him at his worst, twice. I have caught many words that fell from his lips, words that he never wanted to say aloud. He is a broken man. and I a broken woman. This is just for experience for both of us. just some fun. some escape from our daily lives.

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