11 : The Reason .

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"Oh, Miss Maid." Fuyuki heard a familiar voice say from the door. "Is there anything I can help you with?" 

Fuyuki turned her gazed slowly, peering through the cabinet doors to see Agni offering a helping hand. 

"Well if it is not too much trouble, would you be able to get me that specific tea set up there?" She asked, a simple pleasing smile lingering on her face. 

"Oh of course Miss Maid." Agni replied, easily performing the task that needed to be performed. 

"Miss Maid?" 

"Hmm?" Fuyuki answered, her gaze never lifting as she finished setting up the tea set, and moved to polishing the silverware. 

"Why did you become a maid?" Agni asked. It seemed the question that he was asking all the Phantomhive servants, directly or subtly. Yet silence only followed right after. A long yet thoughtful silence. 

"Miss Maid?" 

"Sorry." Fuyuki answered with a smile, a genuine smile. "But I am a maid so I may be closer to my husband." 

"Your husband?" Agni questioned. Surprised that any of the servants would even have such. Servants were to be bound to their masters alone. So being married, or even just being in love was something that was considered inappropriate and disapproved of. 

"Yes, my husband." She answered with that same smile. It was soft and gentle, something alluring. Not her usual sarcastic and teasing smile. 

"Although that shall remain a secret between us, Mr. Agni." 

"Yes, of course Miss Maid." 

Agni understood that if word of such were to spread through out the household, it could be trouble for Fuyuki and her 'husband' [Whoever that may be...]. However, that was indeed not the reason why she had decided to keep the secret between her and Agni. 


"... It looks like everything is alright here as well." A playful smile surfacing to Sebastian's lips as he had 'accidentally' eavesdropped on Fuyuki's little secret.

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